tag » translation
International Conference: “Hegel e il genere della traduzione” (Bologna, 6-7 February 2025)
We are glad to give notice of the International Conference Hegel e il genere della traduzione / Hegel et le …
International Conference: “Philosophy as Translation & Translation as Philosophy” (Paris, 24 January 2025)
We are glad to give notice of the International Conference Philosophy as Translation & Translation as Philosophy, which will take …
International Conference: “Hegel et le genre de la traduction / Hegel, die Übersetzung und die Übersetzerinnen seiner Zeit” (Berlin, 16-17 January, 2025)
We are glad to give notice of the International Conference Hegel et le genre de la traduction / Hegel, die …
Call for Papers: Special Issue of Verifiche (1/2026): “Heidegger and/in/on Translation”
We are very glad to give notice of the opening of a Call for Papers for the Special Issue of …
Giornata di studi: “Heidegger and/in/on Translation” (Padova, 28 June 2024)
We are very glad to announce the conference Heidegger and/in/on Translation. The event will take place on June, 28th at the Università degli …
International Conference: “Translation After Translation. Current Perspectives and New Directions in Philosophy of Translation” (Florence, 26-27 March 2024)
We are glad to give notice of the International Conference Translation After Translation. Current Perspectives and New Directions in Philosophy …
HPD For OA Week (I): Saša Hrnjez, Luca Illetterati, “Pensare e fare diversamente. Filosofia e traduzione” (Elena Nardelli, “Al bivio della traduzione. Heidegger e Derrida”, PUP, 2021)
The International Open Access Week is now entering its sixteenth year, and hegelpd is going to be part of it: …
Cfa: “Translation: Why Is It a Political Question? Perspectives In Philosophy and Translation Theory” (Venice International University, February 26 – March 1, 2024)
We are very glad to give notice of the Call for Applications for the Graduate Seminar Translation: Why Is It …
New Release: Maurizio Maria Malimpensa: Johann Gottlieb Fichte, “Ascetica come appendice alla morale” (Mimesis, 2023)
We are glad to give notice of the Italian translation Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Ascetica come appendice alla morale, by Maurizio …
New Release: Maurizio Maria Malimpensa: Johann Gottlieb Fichte, “Ascetica come appendice alla morale” (Mimesis, 2023)
We are glad to give notice of the Italian translation Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Ascetica come appendice alla morale, by Maurizio …
Cordis Research*eu Magazine: “Found in translation: Transformation as the essence of language”
We are happy to share the article “Found in translation: transformation as the essence of language” based on an interview …
Online Symposium: “Philosophy in/on Translation” (9-10 September, 2021)
We are pleased to give notice of the Online Symposium Philosophy in/on Translation, which will take place on September 9th-10th, 2021. …
New Release: Verifiche (XLIX, 1-2/2020): “Hegel and/in/on Translation” (ed. by Saša Hrnjez and Elena Nardelli)
We are very glad to announce the release of a new issue of Verifiche. Rivista di scienze umane (XLIX, 1-2/2020) …
Call for Translation Projects: Bloomsbury Series in Modern German Philosophy
We are glad to give notice of the call for translation projects, edited by Courtney Fugate and Anne Pollock, for …
Online Talk: Federico Orsini, “La filosofia como traducción en Hegel” (Sociedad de Estudios Hegelianos, 30 September, 2020)
We are glad to announce that Federico Orsini (Universidade Federal de Lavras) will hold the final online talk of the …
New Realease: David Charlston, “Translation and Hegel’s Philosophy. A Transformative, Socio-narrative Approach to A.V.Miller’s Cold-War Retranslations” (Routledge, 2020)
We are pleased to give notice of the release of the volume Translation and Hegel’s Philosophy. A Transformative, Socio-narrative Approach …
Seminar: “Translation and its Reframing in Philosophy” (Prague, 4 October, 2019)
We are glad to give notice of the seminar Translation and its Reframing in Philosophy, that will be held at …
HPD – HOLIDAYS: New Release: G.W.F. Hegel, «Scienza della logica. 1. Logica oggettiva. Libro secondo. L’essenza (1813)», a cura di Paolo Giuspoli, Giovanni Castegnaro e Federico Orsini (Verifiche, 2018)
hegelpd takes a summer holiday. In this period we publish some posts already appeared on the blog. Siamo lieti di …