tag » classical german philosophy
New Release: Alexander Berg, Denys Kaidalov, “Wittgenstein and Classical German Philosophy”, (De Gruyter, 2025)
We are glad to give notice of Wittgenstein and Classical German Philosophy, edited by Alexander Berg and Denys Kaidalov (De …
Conference: “Philosophy between (self-)critique and transformation” (Padua, 4-6 December 2024)
We are very glad to announce the conference Philosophy between (self-)critique and transformation. The event will take place on December 4th-6th at …
Lecture: Birgit Sandkaulen, “Grund und Existenz. Über eine fundamentale Frage bei Jacobi, Hegel und Schelling” (Padova, 25 November, 2024)
We are very glad to announce the lecture that Birgit Sandkaulen (Universität Bochum) will give in the course of Philosophy …
2nd Leipzig-Padua DAAD Workshop: “Der Begriff ‘Reich Gottes’ als Leitgedanke der Religionsphilosophie in der kantischen und nach-kantischen Konstellation” (Padova, 26-27 November 2024)
We are pleased to announce the 2nd Leipzig-Padua DAAD Workshop Der Begriff “Reich Gottes” als Leitgedanke der Religionsphilosophie in der …
Conference: “Gendering Idealism” (Chieti, 20-22 November, 2024)
We are glad to give notice of the Conference Gendering Idealism, which will take place on November 20th-22nd, 2024, at the …
New Release: Antonio Branca, “La realizzazione della ragione. Saggio su Kant e l’idealismo” (ETS, 2024)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume La realizzazione della ragione. Saggio su Kant e …
1st Leipzig-Padua DAAD Workshop: “Das Recht religiöser Gemeinschaften. Die Relevanz der Klassischen Deutschen Philosophie im Spannungsfeld von Staat, Recht und Religion” (Leipzig, 27-28 September 2024)
We are pleased to announce the 1st Leipzig-Padua DAAD Workshop Das Recht religiöser Gemeinschaften. Die Relevanz der Klassischen Deutschen Philosophie …
hpd-holidays: reminder CFP: “Times of History: Hegelian Perspectives” («Verifiche» (1/2025))
hegelpd takes a summer holiday. In this period we will be sharing recent essays and reviews by our research group. …
New Release: «Verifiche»: Reason in Check. Philosophy of Religion in Classical German Philosophy (LII, 2/2023)
We are glad to give notice of the release of a new issue of «Verifiche» (LII, 2/2023): Reason in Check. Philosophy of …
New Release: Federico Orsini, “Il problema dell’ontologia nella ‘Scienza della logica’ di Hegel” (IISF Press, 2024)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the book, Il problema dell’ontologia nella Scienza della logica di Hegel, …
New Release: Diogo Ferrer, “The Transformation of Reason: Studies on System, Myth, and History in German Idealism” (Brill, 2024)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume The Transformation of Reason: Studies on System, Myth, …
We are glad to give notice of the workshop Classical German Philosophy Research Groups Hegelpd-Fagi, which will find place on …
New Release: Andree Hahmann, Stefan Klingner (eds) , “Konsequente Denkungsart” (Meiner, 2024)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Konsequente Denkungsart. Studien zu einer philosophischen Tugend, edited …
New Release: Faustino Fabbianelli, “Una filosofia «nebbiosa e selvaggia»” (Inschibboleth, 2024)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Una filosofia «nebbiosa e selvaggia». Ricezione e trasformazione …
Antrittsvorlesung: Luca Illetterati, “Die Natur denken: zwischen Naturkritik und Naturbegriff. Zeitgenössische Fragen im Dialog mit der klassischen deutschen Philosophie” (Leipzig, 2 July 2024)
We are very glad to give notice of the Antrittsvorlesung as Leibniz-Professor (Sommersemester 2024) by Luca Illetterati, entitled Die Natur …
Workshop: “Denken und seine Geschichtlichkeit in der klassischen Deutschen Pihilosophie” (Basel, 4-5 May 2024)
We are glad to give notice of the workshop Denken und seine Geschichtlichkeit in der klassischen Deutschen Philosophie, which will …
CFP: “System and Complexity in Classical German Philosophy” («Cogency», 2024)
We are glad to give notice that the call for papers for the topical issue of «Cogency» on System and Complexity …
New Release: Ryu Okazaki (ed.), “Religionsphilosophie in und nach der Klassischen Deutschen Philosophie” (Duncker & Humblot, 2024)
We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Religionsphilosophie in und nach der Klassischen Deutschen Philosophie, …