2nd Berlin-Padua DAAD workshop on Classical German Philosophy: “Encountering Objectivity. Reality and Cognition between German Classical Philosophy and Contemporary Debates” (Padova, 2nd-3rd October, 2023)
Sala delle Edicole
Piazza Capitaniato 3, Padova
BEGIN:VCALENDAR … BEGIN:VEVENT TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20231004 UID:24300_cpkp_event DESCRIPTION: // Università di Padova // Sala delle Edicole // Piazza Capitaniato 3, Padova STATUS:CONFIRMED SEQUENCE:1 X-APPLE-TRAVEL-ADVISORY-BEHAVIOR:AUTOMATIC SUMMARY:2nd Berlin-Padua DAAD workshop on Classical German Philosophy: “Encountering Objectivity. Reality and Cognition between German Classical Philosophy and Contemporary Debates” (Padova, 2nd-3rd October, 2023) DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231002 BEGIN:VALARM X-WR-ALARMUID:24300_cpkp_event_alarm UID:24300_cpkp_event_alarm TRIGGER:-PT15H X-APPLE-DEFAULT-ALARM:TRUE ATTACH;VALUE=URI:Chord ACTION:AUDIO END:VALARM END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
We are pleased to announce the 2nd Berlin-Padua DAAD workshop on Classical German Philosophy. The workshop will take place at the Università di Padova (Sala delle Edicole, piazza Capitaniato 3) on October 2nd-3rd, 2023, and is organized by Karen Koch, Elena Tripaldi, Dina Emundts, and Luca Illetterati.
The workshop is the second meeting of the DAAD Hochschuldialog mit Südeuropa project “Encountering Objectivity. Reality and Cognition between German Classical Philosophy and Contemporary Debates“, whose aim is to investigate the notion and understanding of objectivity in view of the inevitably situated standpoint of human cognition, bridging the gap between contemporary debates in feminist theory and the posthuman, and Classical German Philosophy.
The workshop will feature a Keynote Lecture by Jennifer Bates (Duquesne University) and talks by Giacomo Croci (Medizinische Hochschule Brandenburg), Philipp Höfele (Universität Halle-Wittenberg), Leonard Weiss (University of Sheffield), Elena Romano (Freie Universität Berlin), Larissa Wallner (LMU München), Achim Wamssler (Freie Universität Berlin), Lilja Walliser (Freie Universität Berlin), Simon Schüz (RTPU), Tobias Wieland (Freie Universität Berlin) und Karen Koch (Freie Universität Berlin/Universität Basel).
The project is a collaboration between the chair of the history of philosophy at Freie Universität Berlin and the research group on Classical German Philosophy “hegelpd” at the University of Padua.
To join the conference please register here: paduaberlinworkshop@gmail.com
You can find the program of the workshop below.
2nd Berlin-Padua DAAD Workshop on Classical German Philosophy “Encountering Objectivity. Reality and Cognition in Classical German Philosophy and Contemporary Debates”
October 2nd, Sala delle Edicole
9.30 Welcome
Chair: Elena Tripaldi (FU Berlin/Unipd)
10.00 Karen Koch “ Philosophy and its historical situatedness. On Hegel’s conception of philosophy”
Discussant: Giulia La Rocca (Unipd)
11.15 Break
11.30 Giacomo Croci (Medizinische Hochschule Brandenburg) “Bye Bye Life. Schelling after Philosophies of Nature”
Discussant: Andrea Colombo (Unipd)
12:45 Lunch Break
Chair: Karen Koch (FU Berlin/ Universität Basel)
13:45 Philipp Höfele “On the Relationship between Nature and Subject: Schelling as a Precursor of Posthumanist Theories?”
Discussant: Giulia Bernard (Unipd)
15.00 Break
15:15 Leonard Weiss (University of Sheffield) “Encountering Individuals. Schelling’s reading of Metaphysics Z”
Discussant: Maurizio Maria Malimpensa (Uni Ferrara)
16.30 Break
17.00 KEYNOTE LECTURE – Chair: Luca Illetterati (Unipd)
Jennifer Bates (Duquesne University)
“Can Hegel’s Philosophy of Nature De-Center the Anthropocentric?”
October 3rd, Sala delle Edicole
Chair: Luca Corti (Unipd)
10:00 Simon Schüz „Idealism’s Attitude Problem: Hegel’s critique of transcendental idealism from Faith and Knowledge to the Phenomenology“
Discussant: Mattia Megli, (Unipd)
11:15 Break
11.30 Tobias Wieland “Dialectic as Critique”
Discussant: Michela Bordignon (UF ABC)
12.45 Lunch break
Chair: Giovanna Luciano (Unipd)
13:45 Achim Wamssler (FU Berlin) “Hegel and the Impotence of Nature”
Discussant: Luca Corti (Unipd)
15.00 Break
15:15 Lilja Walliser “Where objects were, subjects must be. On the doubling of self-consciousness in the Phenomenology of Spirit”
Discussant: Andrea Gentili (Unipd)
16:30 Break
Chair: Giulia Bernard (Unipd)
17.00 Elena Romano “Universality without objectivity. Kant’s account of subjective universality and the challenge of situatedness”
Discussant: Davide Puzzolo, (Unipd)
18.15 Break
18.30 Larissa Wallner “Universalism situated. Kant on receptivity and imagining the standpoint of any-somebody else”
Discussant: Martina Zulli (Unipd)
For further information on the project: