tag » system

New Release: Diogo Ferrer, “The Transformation of Reason: Studies on System, Myth, and History in German Idealism” (Brill, 2024)

Barbara Santini // Jul 16, 2024

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume The Transformation of Reason: Studies on System, Myth, …

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CFP: “System and Complexity in Classical German Philosophy” («Cogency», 2024)

Giulia La Rocca // Apr 18, 2024

We are glad to give notice that the call for papers for the topical issue of «Cogency» on System and Complexity …

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New Release: Lara Ostaric, “The Critique of Judgment and the Unity of Kant’s Critical System” (Cambridge University Press, 2023)

Giulia Bernard // Nov 12, 2023

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume The Critique of Judgment and the Unity of …

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New Release: Birgit Sandkaulen, “The Philosophy of Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi” (Bloomsbury, 2023)

Giulia Bernard // Apr 30, 2023

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume The Philosophy of Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi. On the …

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Event: “Schelling: System der gesammten Philosophie und der Naturphilosophie insbesondere. 1804” (Wuppertal, 9-11 February 2023)

Giulia Bernard // Feb 6, 2023

We are glad to give notice of the reading seminar Schelling: System der gesammten Philosophie und der Naturphilosophie insbesondere. 1804 which …

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Online Seminar: “Hegel’s concept of Tragedy – An Inquiry into the Hegelian System” (Coimbra, 11 January 2023)

Giulia La Rocca // Jan 9, 2023

We are glad to give notice of the online seminar Hegel’s concept of Tragedy – An Inquiry into the Hegelian …

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New Release: “History, Revolutionary Dialectics and Philosophical System: On the occasion of Hegel’s 250th birthday” (University of Zagreb, 2022)

Saša Hrnjez // Jul 24, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the book Povijest, revolucionarna dijalektika i filozofski sistem. Zbornik povodom 250. godišnjice rođenja …

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New Release: Giovanni Pietro Basile, Ansgar Lyssy (eds.) “System and Freedom in Kant and Fichte” (Routledge, 2022)

Barbara Santini // Jul 12, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume System and Freedom in Kant and Fichte, edited …

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New Release: Sebastian Stein, Joshua Wretzel (eds.), “Hegel’s Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences. A Critical Guide” (Cambridge University Press, 2021)

Giulia Bernard // Oct 7, 2021

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Hegel’s Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences. A Critical …

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New Release: Thomas Buchheim, Thomas Frisch, Nora C. Wachsmann (Eds.), “Schellings Freiheitsschrift – Methode, System, Kritik” (Mohr Siebeck, 2021)

Barbara Santini // Apr 23, 2021

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Schellings Freiheitsschrift – Methode, System, Kritik edited by …

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New Release: Michael Lewin, “Das System der Ideen” (Verlag Karl Alber, 2021)

Giulia Bernard // Mar 30, 2021

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Das System der Ideen. Zur perspektivistisch-metaphilosophischen Begründung der …

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Virtual Conference Series: “Joining the Circle of the System” (8 March-26 April 2021)

Niccolò Sbolci // Mar 1, 2021

We are glad to give notice of the virtual conference series Joining the Circle of the System, which will take …

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CFP: Hegel 250 years on: Phenomenology, Logic, and System (online conference, University of São Paulo, March 3-5, 2021)

Michela Bordignon // Jan 2, 2021

We are glad to announce that the Call for Papers for the international colloquium Hegel 250 years on: phenomenology, logic, …

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CFP: Virtual Conference Series “Joining the circle of the System. Philosophy and Being” (Warwick, 2021)

Giulia Bernard // Nov 6, 2020

We are pleased to give notice that a Call for Abstracts has been opened for the Virtual Conference Series Joining …

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New Release: Maurizio Maria Malimpensa, “La Scienza Inquieta. Sistema e nichilismo nella Wissenschaftslehre di Fichte” (Inschibboleth, 2020)

Armando Manchisi // Aug 13, 2020

We are very glad to give notice of the release of the book La Scienza Inquieta. Sistema e nichilismo nella …

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New Release: Hegel-Jahrbuch “Hegels Enzyklopädisches System und sein Erbe. Erster Band” (1/2019)

Giulia Bernard // Jul 10, 2020

We are pleased to announce the release of the new issue of Hegel-Jahrbuch (1/2019) entitled Hegels Enzyklopädisches System und sein …

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New Release: Franco Chiereghin, “Relire la ‘Science de la Logique’ de Hegel” (Hermann, 2020)

hegelpd // Jul 9, 2020

We are very glad to announce that the volume Rileggere la Scienza della logica di Hegel: ricorsività, retroazioni, ologrammi, by …

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New Release: G. Anthony Bruno, “Schelling’s Philosophy” (Oxford University Press, 2020)

Giulia Bernard // Jun 9, 2020

We are  glad to give notice of the release of the book Schelling’s Philosophy. Freedom, Nature, and Systematicity, edited by G. Anthony …

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