
Talk: Luca Illetterati on «Hegel’s Metaphilosophy». NOSOPHI, Centre de philosophie contemporaine de la Sorbonne (Paris, 6 December 2014)

Talk: Luca Illetterati on «Hegel's Metaphilosophy». NOSOPHI, Centre de philosophie contemporaine de la Sorbonne (Paris, 6 December 2014)

As every year NoSoPhi, the research group of the Centre de philosophie contemporaine de la Sorbonne, organizes a Hegelian seminar, led by Jean-François Kervégan (University of Paris I and IUF) and Gilles Marmasse (Université de Poitiers).

Tomorrow’s session will be held by Luca Illetterati and will be dedicated to Hegel’s Metaphilosophy. Illetterati will address the Hegelian idea of philosophy. He will thereby stress that the most peeculiar character of philosophy is  the lack of presuppositions (Voraussetzungslosigkeit), which, in Hegel’s view, marks its specific difference with regard to other particular sciences.

The session will be held at the UFR de philosophie de Paris I, salle Halbwachs (17, rue de la Sorbonne 75005 Paris – Escalier C, 1er étage) from 10.30 to 12.30.

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