new releases

NEW RELEASE: Julian Nida-Rümlein: “Eine theorie praktischer Vernunft” (De Gruyter, 2020)

NEW RELEASE: Julian Nina

We are pleased to give notice of the relase of the volume Eine Theorie praktischer Vernunft by Julian Nida-Rümlein (De Gruyter, 2020).

From the publisher’s website:

This book is the first full presentation of Julian Nida-Rümelin’s theory of practical rationality and of practical philosophy in general. It sets itself apart from both rational choice approaches and the constructivism of post-modern and Kantian thought. The nucleus of the analysis is the embeddability of one-off decisions in the larger context of a praxis and of an individual and cultural way of life.

Das opus magnum eines der prominentesten deutschen Philosophen.
For further information, please visit the publisher’s website.
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