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New Release: G.W.F. Hegel, “Enciklopedija filozofskih znanosti. Znanosti logike” (Krtina, 2021)

New Release: G.W.F. Hegel, "Enciklopedija filozofskih znanosti. Znanosti logike" (Krtina, 2021)

We are very glad to give notice of the Slovenian translation of Hegel’s Enzyklopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grundrisse. I. Die Wissenschaft der Logik: Enciklopedija filozofskih znanosti. I. Znanosti logike (Krtina, 2021). Translators are Marko Bratina, Zdravko Kobe, Urban Šrimpf, Goran Vranešević. Editors of the volume are Marko Bratina, Zdravko Kobe.

From the publisher’s website:

In Slovenian:

G. W. F. Hegel je eden največjih filozofov sploh. S svojim spekulativnim idealizmom je postavil zadnji veliki sistem, ki je tako po vsebini kakor po formi pustil globoke sledi v zgodovini in še vedno določa mišljenje na številnih področjih vednosti.
Enciklopedija filozofskih znanosti prinaša sistematičen prikaz celotnega Heglovega sistema. Deli se na tri dele, in sicer logiko, filozofijo narave in filozofijo duha (namreč subjektivnega, objektivnega in absolutnega). Hegel jo je prvič izdal leta 1817, vendar jo je skozi predavateljsko dejavnost pozneje vseskozi popravljal in dopolnjeval. Treta izdaja iz leta 1830 tvori zadnjo besedo Heglovega filozofskega razvoja in je bila tudi zgodovinsko najbolj učinkujoča.

In English:

G. W. F. Hegel is one of the greatest philosophers ever. With his speculative idealism, he set up the last great system, which left deep traces in history, both in content and form, and still determines thinking in many fields of knowledge.
The Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences brings a systematic account of the entire Hegel’s system. It is divided into three parts, that is: logic, philosophy of nature and philosophy of spirit (namely, subjective, objective and absolute spirit). Hegel published the first edition in 1817, but later he constantly corrected and extended it throughout his lecturing activities. The third edition of 1830 represents the last word of Hegel’s philosophical development and has also been historically the most effective.

The Table of Content can be read at this link.

With the kind permission of the publisher, we are happy to share with our readers the volume’s Afterword “O Heglovi Enciklopediji”.

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