
hpd-digest (october 2018 – february 2019)

hpd-digest offers an overview of the most recent activities, events and relevant publications involving the members of hegelpd, the Research Group on Classical German Philosophy in Padova.
Its aim is to give news of the scientific activity carried out by the group and its single members, as well as of noteworthy events taking place in Padova, and the general research topics on which we are currently focusing.


NEW EDITORIAL STAFF: First of all, there is some news concerning our editorial staff. Starting from October 2018 Giulia Bernard and Armando Manchisi are our new coordinators. They replace the previous coordinators Giovanna Miolli and Elena Tripaldi, to whom we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks for their excellent work in the last two years.
Francesco Campana takes on the role of managing editor. Giovanna Luciano and Giovanna Miolli become the new social media managers, while the newsletter is edited by Davide Dalla Rosa and Alessandro Esposito. Finally, we are pleased to welcome Giulia La Rocca, Silvia Locatelli, Giulio Mariottini, Filippo Sanguettoli as new members of our editorial staff.


HEGELIAN INTERVIEWS: On November 3rd hegelpd celebrated its first five years.
For the occasion, we launched the series of Hegelian Interviews: the first one with Francesca Menegoni; the second one with Rocío Zambrana.


OPEN ACCESS WEEK: NEW MATERIALS AVAILABLE: Like every year, our website has participated in the Open Access Week.
From October 22nd to 28th we shared every day an article taken from the two latest monographic numbers of the journal Verifiche. Rivista di scienze umane (Hegel’s Philosophy as Metatheory, ed. by Paolo Giuspoli, XLVI , N. 1, 2017; Negazione. Storia di un concetto, ed. by Michela Bordignon e Massimiliano Carrara, XLVI, N. 2, 2017) and from the volume Hegel e McDowell. Esperienza, verità, normatività, ed. by Luca Corti e Giovanna Miolli (Verifiche, 2017).
We shared articles by James Kreines, Armando Manchisi, Luca Corti, Giovanna Miolli, Davide Dalla Rosa, Andrea Altobrando, Michela Bordignon.


2018/2019 RESEARCH SEMINAR: Hegel: from the objective to the absolute spirit will be the topic of this year’s seminar of the Doctoral School in Philosophy of the University of Padova.
At the moment, eight meetings have already taken place: the first one with Francesco Campana on Art and Politics in Hegel, the second one with Francesca Menegoni on Religion and Absolute Spirit in Hegel, the third one with Giulia Bernard on Die Erhebung zum Wissen des absoluten Geistes: The Systematic Character of Religion in the Transition from Objective Spirit to Absolute Spirit, the fourth one with Marco Ferrari on What Does it Mean that the Real is Rational? Philosophical Understanding and Finitude of Politics in Hegel, the fifth one with Alessandro Esposito on Abstract or Concrete? On the Opposition between Political Form and the Systematic Role of Freedom in Hegel’s Philosophy of Spirit, the sixth one with Giulia Battistoni on «Hat wissen können?»: The Role of Non-Intentional Agency in Hegelian Theory of Action, the seventh one with Zdravko Kobe on The Political form of Hegelian Concept. On the Influence of Spinoza’s Political Philosophy on Hegel’s Speculative Logic, the eighth one with Anton Friedrich Koch on Hermeneutical Realism and the Legibility of Things.


SAŠA HRNJEZ IS A NEW MARIE-CURIE FELLOW AT HEGELPD: Since August 2018 our research group hosts a new Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions project. MSCA Fellow Saša Hrnjez will carry out his research under the supervision of Luca Illetterati and as a member of hegelpd. He will work on his project Toward Philosophical Rethinking of Translation in the period 2018-2020 and in cooperation with the Institute of Philosophy AC CR in Prague. For more information (in Italian): https://ilbolive.unipd.it/traduco-ergo-sum.


ZDRAVKO KOBE IS VISITING PROFESSOR AT HEGELPD: From November 2018 to March 2019, Zdravko Kobe (University of Ljubljana) will be visiting professor at the University of Padova. Prof. Kobe is one of the major Slovenian experts in the field of German Idealism. He is the author of four volumes on Kant and numerous articles on Kant and Hegel in Slovenian, English and German. He is also Slovenian translator of Critique of Practical Reason, Hegel’s Science of Logic and Elements of the Philosophy of Right.


NEW DAAD PROJECT: RETHINKING NATURE (2018-2020): The International research project Rethinking Nature (rethinkingnature.com) has been funded by the DAAD for two more years (2018-2020). The joint project between hegelpd and the Forschungszentrum für Klassische Deutsche Philosophie/Hegel-Archiv at the University of Bochum has the aim of investigating the notion of “nature” in Classical German Philosophy, putting it into dialogue with various current debates on naturalism. Rethinkingnature will involve a series of lectures and two workshop (TBA). The coordinators will be Luca Corti and Johannes-Georg Schülein.


NEW RELEASES: We are glad to announce some new publications edited by members of the staff: Luca Corti, Antonio M. Nunziante (eds.), Sellars and the History of Modern Philosophy (Routledge, 2018), reviewed on NDPR; Federico Sanguinetti, André J. Abath (eds.), Hegel and McDowell. Perceptual Experience, Thought and Action (Springer, 2018). Furthermore we would like to draw attention to the latest issue of Verifiche, XLII, n. 1-2, 2018.


CFP: SPECIAL ISSUE: Andrea Gambarotto and Luca Illetterati will be the guest editors for the special issue of the “Hegel-Bulletin 2020” on Hegel and the Philosophy of Biology. The Dialectic of Life, Past and Present. A call for papers has been sent out.
Saša Hrnjez and Elena Nardelli will be editors of the special issue of Verifiche: Hegel and/in/on Translation. The call for papers is now open.


LECTURES: The course of Philosophy of Communication, held by Luca Illetterati, hosted the following lectures: Nina Meyer, Lutero traduttore della Bibbia (October 18th 2018), Luca Crescenzi, Ermeneutica umana e logos divino: sulla traduzione del Vangelo di Giovanni nel Faust I (October 25th 2018), Elena Nardelli, Filosofia e traduzione. Contributi a partire da Martin Heidegger e Jacques Derrida (December 7th 2018).


HEGEL-VEREINIGUNG: Luca Illetterati is a new member of the Vorstand of the Internationale Hegel-Vereinigung.


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