Workshop: “Historical and Natural World in Hegel’s Philosophy” (Padova, 14 June 2023)
June 14, 2023
University of Padova
Sala delle Edicole
Sala delle Edicole
Piazza Capitaniato 3, Padova
Save the date on your calendar
BEGIN:VCALENDAR … BEGIN:VEVENT TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20230615 UID:23891_cpkp_event DESCRIPTION: // University of Padova // Sala delle Edicole // Piazza Capitaniato 3, Padova STATUS:CONFIRMED SEQUENCE:1 X-APPLE-TRAVEL-ADVISORY-BEHAVIOR:AUTOMATIC SUMMARY:Workshop: “Historical and Natural World in Hegel’s Philosophy” (Padova, 14 June 2023) DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230614 BEGIN:VALARM X-WR-ALARMUID:23891_cpkp_event_alarm UID:23891_cpkp_event_alarm TRIGGER:-PT15H X-APPLE-DEFAULT-ALARM:TRUE ATTACH;VALUE=URI:Chord ACTION:AUDIO END:VALARM END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
We are glad to announce the international workshop Historical and Natural World in Hegel’s Philosophy, which will take place at the University of Padova (Sala delle Edicole, Piazza Capitaniato 3) and on Zoom on June 14th.
To register for the workshop, or receive the Zoom-link, please write to and
The event is organized by Giovanna Luciano, Giulia Bernard, and Luca Illetterati.
Below you can find the program of the event.
9:30 – 9:45 Introduction: Giovanna Luciano, Giulia Bernard, and Luca Illetterati
9:45 – 11:15 Angelica Nuzzo, The Logic of Nature
11:15 Coffee break
11:30 – 13:00 Sally Sedgwick, Temporality and The Method of Hegel’s Phenomenology