calls / news&events

CFP: “Philosophie du langage et langage de la philosophie. Le philosophique face au langage ordinaire, du XVIIe au XXe siècle”

We are glad to announce that a call for papers has been open for participation in a one-day workshop dedicated to the relationship between ordinary language and philosophical language, and between common sense and scientific knowledge (from seventeenth to twentieth century), to be held in Paris, École Normale Supérieure, on July 3rd 2016.

The deadline for the submission of a 250-300-word-abstract is March, 31st 2016. 

Submissions may concern the following topics:

  • The process of elaboration of a philosophical language starting from natural language (both in Kant and German Idealism)
  • The relationship between scientific and ordinary language, namely the vulgarisation and popularisation of scientific discourse (starting with the scientific revolution)
  • The different styles and vocabularies in contemporary philosophy (i.e. Heidegger, Quine, etc.)

For further information, please contact the organizers at the following address:

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