
CFA: L’homme et la nature: Politique, critique et esthetique dans le romantisme allemand (Poitiers, 18-20 October 2017)

We are pleased to announce that the call for abstracts for the participation in the Conference “L’homme et la nature: Politique, critique et esthétique dans le romantisme allemand” is now open. The Conference will take place in Poitiers, on 18th-20th October 2017. 

The main topic of the Conference is the relation between human being and nature within German Romanticism.


Keynote speakers:

Andreas Arndt (Pr. Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)

Christian Berner (Pr. Université Paris Nanterre)

Michael Forster (Pr. Universität Bonn)

Márcio Suzuki (Pr. Universidade de São Paulo)

Federico Vercellone (Pr. Università di Torino)

Klaus Vieweg (Pr. Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)


Please find part of the text of the call for abstracts below:

The conference will include the participation of five selected contributors through a call for abstracts. Those interested in responding to this call are invited to send an abstract to the following e-mail address:

Abstracts must be in one of the three research directions selected for the three sessions of this conference (politics, critical philosophy, aesthetics), and must include: (1) the candidate’s first and last name, (2) the title of the paper, (3) personal e-mail address and, when possible, institutional affiliation, and 4) a short CV (maximum one page).

The maximal length of the abstracts will be 2000 characters (including spaces).

The duration of the papers will be half an hour, followed by a discussion (approximately one quarter of an hour).

The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 18 July 2017.

The results of the selection will be communicated individually by e-mail on 15 August 2017.

All transport, accommodation and restoration costs will be supported by the University of Poitiers, within the limits of the available budget.

A publication of the conference proceedings is planned.

For the full text of the call, including French and German versions, click here.

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