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New Release: Etica & Politica/Ethics & Politics: “The Political Legacy of German Classical Philosophy” (Vol. XXIII, No. 2, 2021)

We are very glad to give notice of the release, in the latest issue of the journal Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (Vol. XXIII, No. 2, 2021), of a monographic section titled The Political Legacy of German Classical Philosophy and edited by Luigi Filieri, Armando Manchisi and Sabina Tortorella.

The issue is available in open access on the journal’s website. Below you can find the table of contents of the section.


Luigi Filieri, Armando Manchisi & Sabina Tortorella, The Political Legacy of the German Classical Philosophy. Guest Editors’ Preface

Paola Romero, The Revolutionary ‘Deception’: Kant on the Illusion of a Politics of Happiness

Armando Manchisi, The Right and the Good in Hegel’s Social and Political Philosophy

Thomas Meyer, Hierarchies of Freedom – Hegel’s Liberalism Between the Individual and the State

Sabina Tortorella, Au-delà de la multitude: l’État hégélien à l’épreuve du present

Luca Illetterati, La “totalità inorganica dei molti” e “l’organismo dello Stato”. Populismo e ipermodernità

Sofie Møller, Kant on Non-Linear Progress

Luigi Filieri, Historical Duties. Kant’s Path from Nature to Freedom, Cosmopolitanism and Peace

Roberta Picardi, “I diritti degli altri” e la “giusta appartenenza” nel Fondamento del diritto naturale di Fichte

Sebastian Ostritsch, Hegel’s Nationalism or Two Hegelian Arguments Against Globalism

Katia Genel, Le déchirement de la Sittlichkeit: Adorno en dialogue avec Hegel

Paul Giladi, Ethical Life, Growth, and Relational Institutions: Intersubjectivity, Freedom, and Critique


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