

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Conference: “Ethics and Emotion in the Post-Kantian Tradition” (Southampton University, April 17th)

We are pleased to announce the international conference Ethics and Emotion in the Post-Kantian Tradition, that will be held at the Southampton University on April 17th


Ethics and Emotion in the Post-Kantian Tradition
A Workshop in Association with the Southampton Ethics Centre and the Royal Institute of Philosophy

Friday, April 17th, 10pm- 6pm
Avenue Campus, Room 65/1097
Southampton University

The vexed role emotions play in human life is reflected in their uncertain place within the history of philosophy, and the history of ethics more narrowly. Kant offers a powerful perspective from which most – if not all – emotions appear dangerous and unreliable, lacking the impartiality and universalizability that many regard as the touchstone of the ethical. From a Humean or Aristotelian perspective, by contrast, emotions lie at the very heart of ethical life. Contemporary philosophical work on ethics and the emotions tends to take inspiration from one or another of these vastly different historical streams, or to stake out intermediate positions between them. The proposed workshop seeks to encourage broader reflection on the place of the emotions in ethics after Kant and to orient contemporary work on the emotions within a richer understanding of the post-Kantian tradition.

Event Program:

10-11:30 Alix Cohen (University of Edinburgh): ‘Kant on the Nature of Emotions’

11:30-11:45 Coffee

11:45 -1:15 Sacha Golob (King’s College London): ‘Anxiety and Value in Heidegger’

1:15 – 2:45 Lunch

2:45-4:15 Jonathan Webber (Cardiff University): ‘Sartre’s Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions’

4:15-4:30 Coffee

4:30-6pm Sebastian Gardner (University College London): ‘The Content of Emotion and the Form of Feeling’

THIS EVENT IS FREE AND OPEN TO ALL, BUT REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. To register, please contact: Chloe Yalcin at C.A.Yalcin-Fv7Bckdh1xP10XsdtD+oqA@public.gmane.org. For further questions, please contact the Workshop Organizer: Dr. Sasha Mudd at A.R.Mudd-Fv7Bckdh1xP10XsdtD+oqA@public.gmane.org

For further information see this link.

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/conference-ethics-and-emotion-in-the-post-kantian-tradition-southampton-university-april-17th/