

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Event: 10th Berlin Kant Course with Karl Schafer (UT Austin): “Kant’s Reason” (Berlin, 19-21 June 2023)

We are glad to give notice that the 10th Berlin Kant Course, with Karl Schafer (UT Austin), will be dedicated to “Kant’s Reason”, and will find place at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, June 19th-21st, 2023.


The Berlin Kant Course is a regularly occurring, compact seminar, where internationally known researchers present their own new work regarding Kant’s philosophy, its influence on the history of philosophy, or its reception in contemporary systematic philosophy. After past seminars with Lucy Allais, Patricia Kitcher, Michael Friedman, Nick Stang, Marcus Willaschek, Andrew Chignell, Michelle Kosch, and Daniel Sutherland, our guest this year will be Karl Schafer (UT Austin), who will present a novel interpretation of Kant’s conception of reason and its significance for his philosophical system.

The Berlin Kant Course is aimed at advanced students and philosophers from Berlin and elsewhere. Because the number of participants is limited, registration is required in order to participate (E-Mail: chuguevg@hu-berlin.de). Please register by June 16, 2023. Registered participants will receive the readings.


Schedule and recommended readings:

Monday, June 19: Department talk, 18:15-19:45

Unter den Linden 6, Raum 1070

Title: Constitutivism and Idealism in Kantian Metaethics

Tuesday, June 20: Session 1, 10:00-12:30

Unter den Linden 6, Raum 2070a

Title: Overview and Reason as the Capacity for Comprehension

Main Reading: Chapters 4 of Kant’s Reason

Recommended Background: Introduction and Chapter 2 of Kant’s Reason

Background Primary Sources: A293/B249-A338/B396, B376–7, A820/B848-A831/B859, Log 9:33-72, 9:114-133, V-Lo/Blomberg 24:133–5, KpV 5:3-20, 5:120-146

Tuesday, June 20: Session 2, 14:00-16:30

Unter den Linden 6, Raum 2070a

Title: The Supreme Principle of Reason in its Theoretical Use and the PSR

Main Reading: Chapter 5 of Kant’s Reason

Background Primary Sources: A293/B249-A338/B396, A642/B670-A704/B732, A820/B848-A831/B859, KpV 5:134-146

Wednesday, June 21: Session 3, 09:30-12:00

Unter den Linden 6, Raum 2070a

Title: The Principle of Practical Reason: The Moral Law and the Practical PSR

Main Reading: Chapter 6 of Kant’s Reason

Recommended Reading: Chapter 7 of Kant’s Reason

Background Primary Sources: GMS 4:406-445, KpV 5:19-41, 5:107-120

Wednesday, June 21: Session 4, 13:30-16:00

Unter den Linden 6, Raum 2070a

Title: Kant’s Rational Constitutivism and Reason-First Philosophy

Main Reading: Chapters 1, 3 and Conclusion of Kant’s Reason

Background Primary Sources: KpV 5:19-41, Log 9:13-26, GMS 4:446-463, KU 5:167-179


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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/event-10th-berlin-kant-course-with-karl-schafer-ut-austin-kants-reason-berlin-19-21-june-2023/