

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

CFP: «Schelling-Studien» vol. 11, 2023

We are glad to give notice that the Call for papers for the new issue of the international journal «Schelling-Studien. Zeitschrift zur klassischen deutschen Philosophie» vol. 11, 2023.

The journal was first published in 2013 and appears annually. It is edited by Lore Hühn (Freiburg), Philipp Höfele (Berlin), Philipp Schwab (Freiburg) and Paul Ziche (Utrecht) on behalf of the International Schelling-Society and published by “Karl Alber”.

The journal is committed to offering an independent forum for scientific work on Schelling’s philosophy, comparable to academic research being conducted in separate journals on Kant, Fichte and Hegel. The journal Schelling-Studien, however, is also open to research on historical and systematic inquiries connected with German Idealism in a broader scope as well as for those concerning Schelling’s and Idealism’s historical legacy.
The volumes of the journal are usually split into five sections. The first section, “Aufsätze” (“Essays”), is not dependent on a specific topic. Besides this open section for contributions some volumes contain a “Schwerpunkt” (“Main Topic”) as second section. The third section, “Dokumente” (“Documents”), plays an important role, as it contains reports on newly discovered documents or those now available on Schelling, as well as those that fall within the wider context of Schelling’s philosophy. Short historical documents will also be published in this section. The fourth section, “Berichte” (“Reports”), contains a collection of reports on talks and conferences, dates for upcoming events and general information. Every volume closes with the fifth section, “Rezensionen” (“Reviews”), where new and significant international publications on Schelling-Research are discussed.

Submissions for all sections are welcomed. Contributions are reviewed anonymously by peer review by two internationally acclaimed experts; an international advisory committee ensures the scientific quality of the review process.
The deadline for submissions for the eleventh edition (2023) is April 30th, 2023. The Style Sheet for the format of the texts is available from the editors. Contributions will be printed in German, English, French and Italian.

The journal «Schelling-Studien» is complemented by the series «Beiträge zur Schelling-Forschung» for monographs and collected volumes.

For more information, please visit the publisher’s website.

Contact: Contact: Sören Wulf (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg); schelling-studien@philosophie.uni-freiburg.de


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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/cfp-schelling-studien-vol-11-2023/