

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

New Release: A. Falduto, T. Mehigan (eds.), “The Palgrave Handbook on the Philosophy of Friedrich Schiller” (Springer, 2023)

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume The Palgrave Handbook on the Philosophy of Friedrich Schiller, edited by Antonino Falduto and Tim Mehigan (Springer, 2023).

From the publisher’s website:

Friedrich Schiller is justly celebrated for his dramas and poetry. Yet, above all, he was a polymath, whose writings enriched a range of fields including history and philosophy. Until now, no comprehensive accounting of this philosophy has been undertaken. The Palgrave Handbook on the Philosophy of Friedrich Schiller makes good this desideratum, treating Schiller’s poetry, prose, and dramatic work alongside his philosophical writings and reviewing his thought not only in connection with those who influenced him, such as Kant, Reinhold, and Fichte, but also those he anticipated, such as Hegel, Marx, and the Neo-Kantians. Topics treated in this volume include Schiller’s philosophical background, his theoretical writings, Schiller’s philosophical writing in light of his entire oeuvre, and Schiller’s philosophical legacy. The Handbook also includes an overview of the main topics Schiller addressed in his philosophical writings including philosophical anthropology, aesthetics, moral philosophy, politics and political theory, the philosophy of history, and the philosophy of education. Bringing together the latest research on Schiller and his thought by leading scholars in the field, the Handbook draws attention to Schiller’s undiminished importance for philosophical debates today. 

The Preface and the Table of Contents of the volume are available at this link.

New Release: A. Falduto and T. Mehigan (eds.), "The Palgrave Handbook on the Philosophy of Friedrich Schiller" (Springer Link, 2023)

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/new-release-a-falduto-and-t-mehigan-eds-the-palgrave-handbook-on-the-philosophy-of-friedrich-schiller-springer-link-2023/