

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Società Italiana degli Studi Kantiani, “Kant on the Ideas of Reason” (Milano, 18-19 November 2022)

We are glad to give notice of the congress of the Società Italiana degli Studi Kantiani, Kant on the Ideas of Reason, which will find place on November 18th-19th, 2022, at the Università degli Studi di Milano, via festa del perdono 7, Aula Crociera Studi Umanistici.

Keynote speakers are Alix Cohen (Edinburgh), Dietmar Heidemann (Luxembourg), Reidar Malik (Oslo).

For further information, please visite the website of the event (contact: stefano.bacin@unimi.it).



18 novembre 2022:

11.00 saluti e introduzione

11.30-12.30 Alix Cohen (Edinburgh) – The Common Principle of Reason

14.30-15.10 Giulia Milli (Pavia) – Le idee della ragione nell’esperienza del sublime

15.10-15.50 Federico Rampinini (Roma Tre) – Il sublime matematico in Kant: per un’analisi trascendentale dell’interrelazione fra immaginazione e ragione

15.50-16.20 coffee break

16.20-17.00 Stefano Lo Re (St Andrews) – Romulus and Numa: Supreme Power and the Authority of the Law as Political Ideas

16.50-17.30 Takuya Saito (Hokkaido/Milano) – How To Govern in Accordance With the Idea of Reason: Kant’s Second Thoughts on the Patriotism of Government in his Published Writings

17.30-18.30 Reidar Maliks (Oslo) – Kant and Bergk on the Idea of Democracy

19 novembre 2022:

9.30-10.10 Manuel Disegni (Torino) – L’idea di Dio e il progresso storico nella filosofia di Kant

10.10-10.50 Lorenzo Sala (Trier) – Against Two Common Assumptions About Kant’s Transcendental Deduction of the Ideas

10.50-11.30 Luigi Filieri (Mainz) – The Ideas, the Transcendental Ideal, the Ideal of the Highest Good. A Taxonomy for the Unity of Reason

11.30-12.00 coffee break

12.00-13.00 Dietmar Heidemann (Luxembourg) – Kant on Ideas of Reason as Concepts and as Intuitions

15.00-17.00 assemblea dei soci


Società Italiana degli Studi Kantiani, "Kant on the Ideas of Reason" (Milano, 18-19 November 20

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/societa-italiana-degli-studi-kantiani-kant-on-the-ideas-of-reason-milano-18-19-november-2022/