

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

New Release: “History, Revolutionary Dialectics and Philosophical System: On the occasion of Hegel’s 250th birthday” (University of Zagreb, 2022)

We are glad to give notice of the book Povijest, revolucionarna dijalektika i filozofski sistem. Zbornik povodom 250. godišnjice rođenja Hegela (in English: History, Revolutionary Dialectics and Philosophical System: On the occasion of Hegel’s 250th birthday) edited by Ankica Čakardić and Luka Bogdanić (Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2022).

The volume is in Croatian language and is available in open access at this link


Table of Contents

I: Hegelova četvrtina milenija [Hegel’s Quarter of a Millennium]

Nadežda Čačinovič: Hegel, prigodno [Hegel: Occasion-Appropriate]

Žarko Puhovski: Hegelova četvrtina milenija – ili: kako je potonuće filozofijskoga „Titanica“ u sudaru s nakupinom materije lansiralo flotu monotematskih brodica [Hegel’s Quarter of a Millennium — Or: How the Sinking of the Philosophical “Titanic” Following a Collision with Compact Matter Launched a Fleet of Monothematic Boats]

II: Filozofski sistem i apsolutna znanost [Philosophical System and Absolute Knowing]

Igor Mikecin: Hegel i pitanje povijesnog dovršenja filozofije [Hegel und die Frage nach der Geschichtlichen Vollendung der Philosophie]

Tin Adamović: Hegelov pojam znanosti [Hegel’s Notion of Science]

Saša Hrnjez: Apsolutno znanje kao otkrivajuće sećanje [Absolute Knowing as the Uncovering Recollection]

III: Hegel i Marx [Hegel and Marx]

Luka Bogdanić: O nekim aspektima odnosa Hegela i Marxa: apstraktno, konkretno i određena apstrakcija [On Several Aspects of the Relationship Between Hegel and Marx: Abstract, Concrete and Determined Abstraction]

Kristina Guteša i Luka Mayer: Nužnost i progresivni razvoj povijesti unutar Hegelove i Marxove filozofije [Necessity and Progressive Development of History within Hegel’s and Marx’s Philosophy]

IV: Politička ekonomija rada [Political Economy of Labour]
Ankica Čakardić: Hegel i kapitalizam – bilješke o kritici političke ekonomije [Hegel and Capitalism: Notes on the Critique of Political Economy]

Giorgio Cesarale: Hegelova ideja apstraktnog rada u Osnovnim crtama filozofije prava [Hegel’s Notion of Abstract Labour in the Elements of the Philosophy of Right]

V: Estetika, postkolonijalni studiji i filozofija roda [Aesthetics, Postcolonial Studies, Gender Philosophy]
Goran Sunajko: Nancyjeva interpretacija Hegelove estetike [Nancy’s Interpretation Of Hegel’s Aesthetics]

Petra Kurtović: Hegel i konstruktivizam – rod kao društveni konstrukt [Hegel and Constructivism: Gender as a Social Construct]

Borna Šućurović: Dijalektika gospodara i roba u kontekstu postkolonijalnih studija [The Master-Slave Dialectic in The Context of Postcolonial Studies]

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/new-release-history-revolutionary-dialectics-and-philosophical-system-on-the-occasion-of-hegels-250th-birthday-zagreb-2022/