

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

First Padua-Leipzig ARQUS Workshop: “Norms, Thought and Nature: Topics in Classical German Philosophie” (Leipzig, 11-13 July 2022)

We are glad to give notice of the workshop Norms, Thought and Nature: Topics in Classical German Philosophie, which will find place on July 11st-13th, 2022, at the Universität Leipzig, Institut für Philosophie. The event, organized by Andrea Kern and Luca Corti, is the First Padua-Leipzig ARQUS Workshop.

This Workshop is aimed at presenting und discussing current research carried out in the context of the two research groups on classical German philosophy in Leipzig and Padua. A selected group of PhD students, postdocs and professors from both universities will present working papers on a broad range of topics, ranging from perceptual and aesthetic normatively, to the idea of thinking and reason, including also debates on nature and naturaleness. The workshop is supported by the research network ARQUS.

For the complete program click here

For further information, please visit the website.


First Padua-Leipzig ARQUS Workshop: "Norms, Thought and Nature: Topics in Classical German Philosophie" (Leipzig, 11-13 July 2022)


First Padua-Leipzig ARQUS Workshop: "Norms, Thought and Nature: Topics in Classical German Philosophie" (Leipzig, 11-13 July 2022) 1


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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/first-padua-leipzig-arqus-workshop-norms-thought-and-nature-topics-in-classical-german-philosophie-leipzig-11-13-july-2022/