

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Conference: “Examining the Sources of Hegel’s Logic: “History of Philosophy, Mathematics and The Natural Sciences, and Religion” (Warwick, June 2-4, 2022)

We are glad to give notice of the conference Examining the Sources of Hegel’s Logic: History of Philosophy, Mathematics and The Natural Sciences, and Religion, which will take place on June 2-4, 2022 at the University of Warwick and on Zoom.

About the conference:

This conference aims to examine and interrogate the historical sources of Hegel’s Science of Logic. In particular, this conference will focus on influences from the history of philosophy, mathematics and the natural sciences, and religion. Throughout the Logic, Hegel often discusses the significance of a particular conceptual development within the wider historical context of that concept. The objective of this conference is to examine how Hegel thinks the conceptual development of the Logic relates to previous conceptual usage, and whether his criticisms are fair.

Hegel unambiguously recognised the indebtedness of his philosophical project to the entire history of thought. Not only is it important but it is necessary for it is from the history of thought that the philosopher can avail themself of the reservoir of concepts with which they are to construct their system. There are undoubtedly many fields of thought that influenced the conceptual usage of the Logic but this conference will focus on the most central ones: the history of philosophy, mathematics and the natural sciences, and religion.

Here you can find the program of the conference. 

ZOOM LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84827608684?pwd=a2huZ3dkZ1k3WE5hK25mM2Jzd1dudz09
(Meeting ID): 848 2760 8684

(make sure to type in the numbers without any space in between, not the Roman numerals)

For more information, please check this website. 

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/conference-examining-the-sources-of-hegels-logic-history-of-philosophy-mathematics-and-the-natural-sciences-and-religion-warwick-june-2-4-2022/