

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

EVENT: Postponed Hegel Society of Great Britain Annual Conference 2020 “Hegel Today”

We inform you that, following the on-going situation with COVID-19, the Annual Conference 2020: Hegel Today of the Hegel Society of Great Britain is postponed until September 2021. Exact dates haven’t yet been settled.

The Early Career Researchers who have submitted abstracts for this year will also be eligible for 2021. The two Early Career Researcher speakers will be chosen next year. Early Career Researchers may submit new abstracts next year or resubmit this year’s abstracts. Further information coming next spring.

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/event-postponed-hegel-society-of-great-britain-annual-conference-2020-hegel-today/