

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Conference: «Hegel-Marx: “dead dogs” still live» (Lisbon, 9-10 April 2019)

We are glad to give notice of the conference: Hegel-Marx: “dead dogs” still live, which will take place on April 8th and 9th, at the School of Arts and Humanities – University of Lisbon.

From the webpage of the conference:

The conference Hegel-Marx: “dead dogs” still live will take place between two important dates: the celebration of Karl Marx’s 200th birthday (1818-2018) and Georg W. F. Hegel’s 250th birthday (1770-2020). The purpose of the event is to create a forum for debating the work of these two authors and their complex relationship. Accordingly, the discussion will focus on Hegel’s and Marx’s texts, but also on the contributions of various interpreters and critics, in order to bring out the importance and the topicality of a central debate in the history of modern and contemporary thought.

You can find the full program on the webpage of the conference.

Keynote Speaker: Klaus Vieweg (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena) and Tony Smith (Iowa State University).

Scientific Committee: Adriana Veríssimo Serrão (Universidade de Lisboa / Revista Philosophica); Andreas Arndt (Universidad Humboldt Berlin); Bruce Gilbert (Bishop’s University); Enoque Feitosa (Universidad Federal de Paraíba); Gary Browning (Universidad Oxford Brookes); Guido Starosta (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes); José Miranda Justo (Universidad de Lisboa).

Organizing Committee: Bernardo Ferro (KU Leuven / IEF Coimbra); Paulo Antunes (CFUL- Praxis); Sara Vargas (CFUL-Praxis).

Sponsors: FCT, FLUL, CFUL (Grupo Praxis), IEF – FLUC.

Conference: «Hegel-Marx: "dead dogs" still live» (Lisbon, 9-10 April 2019)

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/conference-hegel-marx-dead-dogs-still-live-lisbon-9-10-april-2019/