

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

News: The website of the Australian Hegel Society is out!

We are very pleased to announce the launch of the website of the Australian Hegel Society.

Founded in 2016, the Australian Hegel Society aims to promote the study of the philosophy of Hegel, its historical development and heritage, and its relation to contemporary philosophical and cultural movements.

The society stimulates exchanges and discussion of ideas both within the Hegelian scholarship and between Australian and overseas scholars and young researchers.

You can visit the website at this link (www.australianhegelsociety.com).

The Australian Hegel Society holds a biennal conference and actively organises workshops, lectures and reading groups on Hegel’s philosophy.

Here you can find news about past and future events held by the Australian Hegel Society.

To subscribe to the Australian Hegel Society mailing list, see here.

For further information, please contact theaustralianhegelsociety@gmail.com


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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/news-the-website-of-the-australian-hegel-society-is-out/