

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Seminar: James Kreines, ”Hegel, Dialectic and Metaphysical Grounding” (Valencia, 13th June 2017)

We are glad to announce that Prof. James Kreines (Claremont McKenna University) will give a talk during the final session of the seminar Hegel: Perspectivas Contemporáneas held by the group of researchers from the Department of Metaphysics and Theory of Knowledge and the Department of Philosophy of the University of Valencia: Edgar Maraguat, Manuel Jiménez Redondo, Sergio Sevilla and Berta M. Pérez.

The talk is entitled ‘Hegel, Dialectic and Metaphysical Grounding’, and will investigate the contemporary possibilities of a genuinely metaphysical philosophical questioning, from a Hegelian perspective.

The seminar will be held in the Sala F11 at the Philosophy Department of the University of Valencia, and will start at 10.00 am.

The event is free to attend but the capacity of the venue is limited. For further information, please visit the event’s page in the seminar’s website.

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/seminar-james-kreines-hegel-dialectic-and-metaphysical-grounding-valencia-13th-june-2017/