

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Workshop with Rahel Jaeggi in Parma and in Turin on 20th and 21st of February

We are glad to announce that on the occasion of the publication of Rahel Jaeggi’s Italian book «Forme di vita e capitalismo» (ed. by Marco Solinas, Rosenberg & Sellier, Torino 2016), it will be held two days workshop in Parma on the 20th of February and in Turin on the 21st of February.

20th February – Parma
A group of social philosophers ad critical theorists will discuss Jaeggi’s philosophical project, aimed to develop an immanent critique of capitalism as a form of life and a theoretical framework for a renewed Critical theory of society.
Between the confirmed speakers there are Rahel Jaeggi (Humboldt – Berlin), Matteo Bianchin (Milano Bicocca), Paolo Costa (FBK Trento), Giorgio Fazio (Roma/Berlino), Rino Genovese (Normale di Pisa), Federica Gregoratto (St. Gallen), Leonardo, Marchettoni (Parma), Alessandro Pinzani (UFSC – Florianopolis), Marco Solinas (Firenze), Italo Testa (Parma).

The Workshop, organized by Italo Testa and Marco Solinas, will be held from 10.30 until 19:00 in Parma at “Dipartimento Dusic” – Aula di Presidenza, Via D’Azeglio 85 and it is supported by Fondazione per la critica sociale, La Società degli individui and PhD School in Philologico-Literary, Historico-Philosophical and Artistic Sciences.

Attendance is free and for further information please contact: italo.testa@unipr.it

21st February – Turin

Rahel Jaeggi will hold a lecture entitled «Back to the Progress. On the relation between moral and social transformation» starting from 21:00 at at the Unione culturale Franco Antonicelli, Via Cesare Battisti 4/b in Turin.

Attendance is free. For further informations please check the event page on the Unione Culturale Website

Workshop with Rahel Jaeggi in Parma and in Turin on 20th and 21st of February

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/workshop-with-rahel-jaeggi-in-parma-and-in-turin-on-20th-and-21st-of-february/