We are happy to announce the publication of the 2015 issue of Studi kantiani, which contains a special section on “Kant and Biology”.
Here the table of contents:
– Claudio La Rocca, Per Massimo Barale
– Werner Euler, Kants Kritik der teleologischen Urteilskraft als Fachlogik der Biologie
– Ina Goy, The Antinomy of Teleological Judgment
– Nicole Perret, Téléologie biologique aujourd’hui, entre transcendantal et naturalisation
– Serena Feloj, La Zweckwidrigkeit e la definizione dell’organismo. I limiti della conoscenza matematica di fronte all’anomalia naturale
– Werner Stark, Mücken in der Wüste? Aus den Präliminarien zu Kant’s Vorlesungen über Physische Geographie
– Robert R. Clewis, The Place of the Sublime in Kant’s Project
– Norbert Hinske, Das „Naturrecht Feyerabend“ und die Versäumnisse der Akademie-Ausgabe
Alfredo Ferrarin, The Powers of Pure Reason. Kant and the Idea of Cosmic Philosophy (G. Gava); Stefan Klingner, Technische Vernunft. Kants Zweckbegriff und das Problem einer Philosophie der technischen Kultur (G. Motta); Kant’s Theory of Biology, ed. by Ina Goy, Eric Watkins (F. Michelini); Heinrich P. Delfosse, Norbert Hinske, Gianluca Sadun Bordoni, Kant-Index Band 30: Stellenindex und Konkordanz zum »Naturrecht Feyerabend« (F. Gonnelli); Kant and Colonialism. Historical and Critical Perspectives, ed. by Katrin Flickschuh, Lea Ypi (N. De Federicis); Lior Nitzan, Jacob Sigismund Beck’s Standpunctslehre and the Kantian Thing-in-itself Debate. The Relation Between a Representation and its Object (L. Filieri); Immanuel Kant, Die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der bloßen Vernunft, hrsg. von Otfried Höffe (F. Camera); Julija B. Mehlich, Irracional’noe rasširenie filosofii I. Kanta v Rossi (A. Dioletta Siclari); Alexander [Gottlieb] Baumgarten, Metaphysics: A Critical Translation with
Kant’s Elucidations, Selected Notes, and Related Materials, translated and edited by Courtney D. Fugate and John Hymers (S. Bacin).
Immanuel Kant, Prima introduzione alla Critica del Giudizio (C. La Rocca); Kant’s Observations and Remarks: A Critical Guide, ed. by Susan Meld Shell and Richard Velkley (S. Bacin); Karl Ameriks, Kant’s Elliptical Path (L. Filieri); Avery Goldman, Kant and the Subject of Critique: On the Regulative Role of the Psychological Idea (L. Sala); Schiller lettore di Kant, a cura di Alberto L. Siani e Gabriele Tomasi (S. Feloj); The Bloomsbury Companion to Kant, ed. by Gary Banham, Dennis Schulting, Nigel Helms (L. Sala).
Studi Kantiani is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles in English, German, Italian, French, and Spanish. The purpose of the journal is to promote the research on Kant in its different forms.
Editor-in-chief: Claudio La Rocca
Editorial Board: Henry E. Allison (Davis), Mario Caimi (Buenos Aires), Luigi Caranti (Catania), Franco Chiereghin (Padova), Gerardo Cunico (Genova), Klaus Düsing (Köln), Alfredo Ferrarin (Pisa), Luca Fonnesu (Pavia), Gianna Gigliotti (Roma), Norbert Hinske (Trier), Pierre Kerszberg (Toulouse), Pauline Kleingeld (Leiden), Heiner F. Klemme (Mainz), Antonio Marques (Lisboa), Vittorio Mathieu (Torino), Faustino Oncina Coves (Valencia), Riccardo Pozzo (Verona), Jens Timmermann (St. Andrews)
Assistant Editors: Gabriele Gava, Roberta Picardi
Editorial Staff: Luigi Filieri, Lorenzo Sala