

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Workshop: “Kant and Negative Aesthetics” (Pavia, 6-7 June 2023)

We are glad to give notice that the Workshop Kant and Negative Aesthetics will take place in Pavia (Università degli Studi di Pavia, Palazzo San Tommaso, Piazza del Lino, 2 – Aula Bottigella) on June 6th-7th, 2023.

The event is organized by Serena Feloj (Università di Pavia) and João Lemos (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa). Assistant Giulia Milli (Università di Genova/FINO).

For further informations please contact kantaesthetics@gmail.com

Below you can find the program of the Workshop.


JUNE 6th

14:00: Serena Feloj, Greetings and lntroduction

chair: Giulia Milli

14:30-15:10: Anne Pollok, ‘”Aesthetic Subjectivity in Ugly Matters: Can Kant have a Philosophy of the Ugly?”

15:10-15:30: discussion

15:30-15:45: break

15:45-16:15: João Lemos, “Kant and Bad Art”

16:15-16:45: Beatriz Rodrigues,”The Offences of the lmagination: the Grotesque as a Subtype of Ugliness”

16:45-17:15: discussion

17:15-17:30: break

17:30-18:00: Ilaria Ferrara, “Negative Aesthetics as «Realrepugnanz»: the Logical and Psychological Root of Displeasure in Kantian Philosophy”

18:00-18:30: Anna Enström, “On the lnversions af Hypochondria: Centering the Force of Sensibility in Aesthetic Experience”

18:30-19:00: discussion

JUNE 7th

chair: João Lemos

09:00-09:30: Günter Zöller, “Watching the World End. From the Kantian Sublime to Richard Wagner’s Aesthetico­-Political Nihilism”

09:30-09:45: discussion

09:45-10:00: break

10:10-10:30: Luigi Filieri “Counter-Purposiveness and Twofold Affection. Kant on Passivity and Freedom in the Experience of the Sublime”

10:30-11:00: Mark Windsor, “The Uncanny as Anti-Sublime”

11:00-11:30: discussion

11:30-11:45: break

11:45-12:15: Moran Godess-Riccitelli, “Disinterested Pleasure and Aesthetic Boredom”

12:15-12:45: Alessandro Agostini, “Is Beauty really a ‘Positive’ Pleasure? Some not-Positive Aspects of Beauty”

12:45-13:15: discussion

13:15-14:45: lunch break

chair: Serena Feloj

14:45-15:15: Robert Clewis, “Some Problems wlth a Possible Kantian Account of Ugliness”

15:15-15:30: discussion

15:30-15:45: break

15:45-16:15: Conrad Mattli,”The Beautiful and the Ugly as Reflective Concepts. Kant’s Analysis of Taste in Light of the Amphiboly Chapter of the First Critique”

16:15-16:45: Jonathan Johnson, ”The Relevance of Kant’s Aesthetics of Ugliness to Ugliness in Aesthetics”

16:45-17:15: discussion

17:15-17:30: break

17:30-18:00: Rômulo Eisinger Guimarães, “On the «Cipher by Means of which Nature Figuratively Speaks to Us in its [Ugly] Forms»: Notes on the Systematic Function of Negative Aesthetic Judgments-of-Taste in Kant”

18:00-18:30: Stephan Zimmermann, ”Displeasure wìth the Ugly. Are there Negative Aesthetic Judgements on Nature in Kant?”

18:30-19:00: discussion




Workshop: "Kant and Negative Aesthetics" (Pavia, 6-7 June 2023)

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/workshop-kant-and-negative-aesthetics-pavia-6-7-june-2023/