

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

New Release: «Verifiche» (LI, 1-2/2022)

We are very glad to announce the release of a new issue of «Verifiche» (LI, 1-2/2022)

The 1-2/2022 issue of «Verifiche» includes a wide selection of Saggi, Discussioni, and Recensioni, and inaugurates a new section called Hegel Lectures. This section consists of essays presented on the occasion of the «Padova Hegel Lectures», which refer to talks given by Hegel scholars internationally renowned for their significant contribution to the interpretation of Hegel’s thought in light of its relevance today.

Below you can find the table of contents of the issue.


Editoriale / Editorial
The Editorial Board, Editoriale / Editorial

Padova Hegel Lectures
Miguel Giusti, Filosofia del diritto senza Scienza della logica? Un dibattito in corso sulla filosofia sociale di Hegel
Angelica Nuzzo, Hegel’s Idea of Philosophy and the World at the End
Marco Aurélio Werle, Motivos da estética de Kant na estética de Hegel

Saggi / Articles
Sabina Tortorella, Dietro le quinte dell’eticità: normatività e disposizione soggettiva nella Fenomenologia dello spirito
Ahmet Süner, Bringing Back the Picture: A Revision of the Pictorial Understanding of Language in Light of Wittgenstein
Emma S. Moorhead, J.M. Fritzman, Miguel D. Guerrero, Everything is Its Opposite: Bennett’s Stalemates, Willard’s Draws, Kant’s Antinomies, and Hegel’s Sublation
Franco Chiereghin, I correlati neurali dell’intersoggettività. Nota su alcune scelte lessicali a proposito dei neuroni specchio

Discussioni / Discussions
Paolo Livieri, The Practical Beyond Ethics. Notes on George di Giovanni’s Interpretation of Classical German Philosophy
Mahyar Moradi, Evaluations are No Propositions: A Reply to Kantian Nonconceptualists Concerning the Critical Theory of Taste
Barbara Santini, Kant über das Erhabene und die Freiheit. Zum Gefühl der übersinnlichen Bestimmung des Gemüts
Paolo Giuspoli, Der sich begreifende Begriff. Nota sui significati di concetto nella Scienza della logica di Hegel e la sua genesi
Pablo Pulgar Moya, Socialisation and Personification as Forms of Domination in Marx
Luca Zanetti, Un argomento fenomenologico contro l’esistenza del libero arbitrio
Andrea Velardi, Il dibattito sul realismo e le sue dicotomie: immagine manifesta vs immagine scientifica del mondo e ontologia vs epistemologia
Franco Chiereghin, L’amore e oltre. Note a Il dio dalle frecce fiorite. Miti e leggende dell’amore in India, di Giuliano Boccali

Book Symposium: On Angelica Nuzzo’s Approaching Hegel’s Logic, Obliquely: Melville, Molière, Beckett. Edited by Giovanna Luciano
Luca Illetterati, Introduction
Giovanna Luciano, A Philosophy of Crisis: Immanence and Normativity in Hegel’s Logic
Giovanna Miolli, Obliquity in Question: Method, Transformation, and Metaphilosophical Implications
Giulia Bernard, Hegel’s Discursive Logic: The Re-Enactment of Method
Giulia La Rocca, Advancement, Stasis, Revolution: On Angelica Nuzzo’s Approaching Hegel’s Logic, Obliquely
Francesco Campana, On the Use of Literature in Philosophy. Considerations on Angelica Nuzzo’s Approaching Hegel’s Logic Obliquely: Melville, Molière, Beckett
Angelica Nuzzo, Approaching Hegel’s Logic, Obliquely – Once Again

Recensioni / Book Reviews
Matteo Favaretti Camposampiero, I. Chiaravalli, L’oggetto puro. Matematica e scienza in Descartes
Mateja Lara Schmidt, L.L. Pizzichemi, L’uso di sé. Il concetto di ‘uso’ in Kant e la questione del fondamento della filosofia trascendentale
Lara Scaglia, S. Møller, Kant’s Tribunal of Reason: Legal Metaphor and Normativity in the Critique of Pure Reason
Francesco Azzarone, Marina F. Bykova (a cura di), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Fichte
Silvia Locatelli, Karen Ng, Hegel’s Concept of Life: Self-Consciousness, Freedom, Logic
Rosario Croce, Andrea Staiti, Etica naturalistica e fenomenologia


New Release: «Verifiche» (LI, 1-2/2022)

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/new-release-verifiche-li-1-2-2022/