

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Workshop: “Reception, Transformation, Criticism – Hegel and Early Modern Philosophy” (Heidelberg, 19-21 November)

We are pleased to give notice of the workshop Reception, Transformation, Criticism – Hegel and Early Modern PhilosophyRezeption, Transformation, Kritik – Hegel und die Philosophie der frühen Neuzeit, organized by Ansgar Lyssy and Sebastian Stein at the University of Heidelberg on November 19th-21th, 2021. 

The event will be held in person and online. For further information you can also visit the website.

Below you can find the program of the event.


Freitag 19.11

16:00-17:30: Anton F. Koch (Heidelberg): Die Bewusstseinskapitel der Phänomenologie und ihre Bezüge zur Philosophie der frühen Neuzeit

18:00-19:00: Ana Silvia Munte (Tübingen): Hegels Kritik an Spinoza als Leitfaden seines Systems


Samstag 20.11

09:30-11:00: Katerina Deligiorgi (Sussex): What is the good? And what is it like when it is actual? Two questions for Hegel.

11:15-12:15: Winfried Lücke (Tübingen): G.W.F. Hegel und M. Mendelssohn über die menschliche Seele

14:00-15:30: Christopher Yeomans (Purdue): Montesquieu and Hegel on Group Representation

16:00-17:00: Karen Koch (FU Berlin): Purposes, Nature and Finite Minds – Hegel’s Relation to Spinoza’s Critique of Teleology

17:00-18:00: Anton Kabeshkin (Potsdam): Leibniz and Hegel on Intelligibility of Nature

18:30-20:00: James Kreines (Claremont McKenna): Renewing the Old Story of Hegel as Idealist Spinoza


Sonntag 21.11

10:00-11:00: Ansgar Lyssy (Heidelberg): TBA

11:15-12:15: Sebastian Stein (Heidelberg): Passion without slavery? — Hegel’s critique of Hume’s concept of agency


Workshop: "Reception, Transformation, Criticism – Hegel and Early Modern Philosophy" (Heidelberg, 19-21 November)

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/workshop-reception-transformation-criticism-hegel-and-early-modern-philosophy-heidelberg-19-21-november/