new releases

New Release: «Symphilosophie. International Journal of Philosophical Romanticism»: “Romanticism and its Kantian Legacy” (VI, 2024)

New Release: Giulia Battistoni, "Il privilegio della follia. Hegel tra diritto, morale e antropologia" (Il Mulino, 2025) 1

We are glad to give notice of the release of the new issue of «Symphilosophie. International Journal of Philosophical Romanticism», (VI, 2024), entitled Romanticism and its Kantian Legacy, edited by Marie-Michèle Blondin, Luigi Filieri, Cody Staton and Gesa Wellmann.

From the publisher’s website.

The year of the 300th anniversary of Kant’s birth has just ended. It was rich in events, including the 14th International Kant Congress, devoted to Kant’s Project of the Enlightenment, hosted by the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Bonn and the Kant-Gesellschaft. The present issue 6 of Symphilosophie is focused on the relation between romantic philosophy and Kant’s critical project. The main thematic dossier was coordinated by the editorial team of the journal: Marie-Michèle Blondin, Luigi Filieri, Cody Staton and Gesa Wellmann, whom I warmly thank for all their wonderful work. Their introduction also presents the different contributions included in this 2024 issue. We are also extremely thankful to the over twenty contributors to this issue, as well as to our associate editor, David W. Wood. In addition, we would like to express our gratitude in particular to Márcio Suzuki for offering us a French translation of a fascinating essay by the late Brazilian philosopher and poet Rubens Rodrigues Torres Filho, who passed away in 2023; as well as to Marlene Oeffinger for her remarkable work in translating into English the little-known writings of August Ludwig Hülsen. A second instalment of her translation project is included here, after a first selection was published in the previous issue of Symphilosophie. Finally, we are very pleased to announce that the guest editor of our next issue 7 is María Jimena Solé of the University of Buenos Aires. The topic concerns the relationship between romantic philosophy and Spinoza’s thought.

The Table of Contets and all the Texts are available at this link.

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