Hegelpd Events

Workshop: “The Power of Art: Aesthetics and Politics in the Contemporary World” (New York, 6-7 February 2025)

February 6, 2025 New School’s Department of Liberal Studies
Starr Foundation Hall; Wolff Conference Room
Save the date on your calendar
DESCRIPTION: // New School’s Department of Liberal Studies // Starr Foundation Hall; Wolff Conference Room
SUMMARY:Workshop: “The Power of Art: Aesthetics and Politics in the Contemporary World” (New York, 6-7 February 2025)

We are very glad to announce the Workshop The Power of Art: Aesthetics and Politics in the Contemporary World.

The event will take place on February 6-7, 2025 at the New School’s Department of Liberal Studies.

The workshop is organized by Francesco Campana and Paul Kottman, as part of the MSC Project PolArt – Understanding the Function of Art in the Contemporary Social Space Through a New Interpretation of Classical German Philosophy (MSC grant agreement No 101066460). It is organized in collaboration with hegelpd – University of Padova. Classical German Philosophy Research Group.

Scientific Committee: Francesco Campana, Paul Kottman, Gabriele Tomasi.

To attend the workshop, please register here.

For inquiries, email francesco.campana@unipd.it

Below you can find the program of the conference.


February 6, Starr Foundation Hall

9.30 Reception

10.15-10.30 Francesco Campana, Paul Kottman, Greetings and Introduction

Chair: Paul Kottman

10.30-11.45 Giulia Bernard (University of Padova), Fielding the Political: Participation and Critique in Art and Philosophy

11.45-1.00 Kristin Gjesdal (Temple University), Germaine de Staël on Literature and Politics

1.00 Lunch

Chair: Laura Dequal

2.30-3.45 Yi-Ping Ong (Johns Hopkins University), The Hum of the Own: Kierkegaard, Knausgaard, and Nelson on Existence in the Present Age

4.00-5.15 Francesco Campana (University of Padova/NSSR), Art on the barricades (or, the end of art, but this time actually conceived as the possibility of its death)

7.00 Dinner


February 7, Wolff Conference Room

Chair: Giulia Bernard

10.00-11.15 Sandra Shapshay (Hunter College/CUNY Graduate Center), Monuments: Iconoclasm & Idolatry in America

11.15-12.30 Luca Illetterati (University of Padova), What does a work of art deal with? The ambiguity of communication

12.30 Lunch

Chair: Francesco Campana

2.00-3.15 Lydia Goehr (Columbia University), From uproar to outrage: on art, noise, and political bluster

3.15-4.30 Sohl Lee (Stony Brook University), Art for Decolonization and Democracy: The Minjung Art Movement in South Korea

4.30-4.45 Coffee Break

4.45-6.00 Laura Dequal (University of Padova), On the Political Role of Curatorship in Contemporary Art

6.00 Conclusion

6.30 Aperitif


For more information please visit the website of the project.