
World WoMen Hegelian Congress: “The Owl’s Flight. Hegel’s Legacy in a Different Voice” (Rome, 26-28 September 2018)

We are very pleased to give notice that the first World WoMen Hegelian Congress will take place at the Sapienza University of Rome (Department of Philosophy, Villa Mirafiori, via Carlo Fea 2) on September 26th-28th 2018.

The title’s Congress will be The Owl’s Flight. Hegel’s Legacy in a Different Voice.

Below, you can find more information about the event, the poster, and the programme.

For more information, please visit the Congress’ website at this link.


The Owl’s Flight. Hegel’s Legacy in a Different Voice

In the 20th century Hegel’s philosophy was the object of clashing interpretations, which often leaded to dividing perspectives. Left-wing and right-wing, conservatism and Marxism, totalitarianism and liberalism: many adjectives have been used to describe the Hegelian philosophy. From an ideological and political point of view, as well as in a theoretical approach, with particular regard to the idea of system and dialectic, Hegelian thought separated people and philosophers.

In the second half of the century, deconstruction of subject and gender, philosophies of difference and feminist thought have privileged original orientations in the research on Hegel, facing in many ways topics otherwise taken for marginal or even ignored.

The Hegelian reference to the Owl, emblem of Minerva, makes philosophy and logos the attributes of a female figure, who appears only with the falling of the dusk, at the end of a world. If Hegel invites us in this way to comprehend our time just from that edge, where the present exceeds itself, the conference we propose is meant to accept the challenge: can the Hegelian inheritance be still enriched through other cultures and philosophical languages?

World WoMen Hegelian Congress: 'The Owl’s Flight. Hegel’s Legacy in a Different Voice' (Rome, 26-28 September 2018)


Invited Speakers
Prof. Dr. Myriam Bienenstock, Université François Rabelais Tours
Prof. Dr. Rossella Bonito Oliva, Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale
Prof. Dr. Allegra de Laurentiis, Stony Brook University
Prof. Dr. Irene Kajon, Sapienza Università di Roma
(em.) Prof. Dr. Herta Nagl-Docekal, Universität Wien
Prof. Dr. Angelica Nuzzo, City University of New York
(em.) Prof. Dr. Erzsébet Rózsa, University of Debrecen
Prof. Dr. Nuria Sánchez Madrid, Universidad Complutense Madrid
Prof. Dr. Birgit Sandkaulen, Hegel-Archiv Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Scientific Committee
Stefania Achella, Gabriella Baptist,  Serena Feloj, Francesca Iannelli, Fiorinda Li Vigni, Claudia Melica

Organising Team
Vasileios Davaris, Maria Aria Stadirani

Staff Members
Dionisia Valentina Cozzolino, Lorenzo Ferrari, Letizia Lagatta, Chiara Anastasia Moda, Emanuele Nardi, Mateja Lara Schmidt, Giada Scotto.

Graphic Designer: Marco Santamaria
You can download the poster of the event at this link.



26th September 2018, 14:00-15:30
Registration, Villa Mirafiori, Via Carlo Fea 2, 00161 Rome


26th September 2018, 15:30
Room: Aula VI, Villa Mirafiori

Stefano Petrucciani (Dipartimento di Filosofia)
Pierluigi Valenza (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Fiorinda Li Vigni (Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici)
Francesca Brezzi (Gender Interuniversitary Observatory)
Francesca Gambetti (Società Filosofica Romana)

16:00 Introduction and Chair: Stefania Achella

Allegra de Laurentiis (Stony Brook University)
Self-confinement to a life of feeling: Hegel on mental alienation

17:00-17:30 Break

Chair: Fiorinda Li Vigni

Rossella Bonito Oliva (Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale)
Il femminile in Hegel tra tragedia e magia. Un caso di inconsapevole ri-conoscimento

Opening reception in the outdoor area

27th September 2018, 9:30-13:00
Room: Aula VI, Villa Mirafiori

Chair: Francesca Iannelli

9:30-10:30 Birgit Sandkaulen (Hegel-Archiv Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
Die Differenz der schönen Kunst in Hegels Theorie des absoluten Geistes

10:30-11:30 Erzsébet Rózsa (University of Debrecen)
Von Antigone zu der anständigen Frau. Hegels Frauenbild im Spannungsfeld zwischen der Phänomenologie des Geistes und der Rechtsphilosophie von 1820

11:30-12:00 Break

Chair: Serena Feloj

12:00-13:00 Nuria Sánchez Madrid (Universidad Complutense Madrid)
Il consenso impossibile: alcune lezioni da estrarre dalla lettura hegeliana dell’Antigone

28th September 2018, 9:00
Room: Aula VI, Villa Mirafiori

Chair: Claudia Melica

9:00-10:00 Myriam Bienenstock (Université François Rabelais Tours)
‘Maîtrise et servitude’ selon Hegel: manque-t-il l’amitié – et la religion?

10:00-11:00 Irene Kajon (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Judaism as the Other of Greek-Christian Civilization: Samuel Hirsch, Franz Rosenzweig, and Ernst Cassirer on Hegel’s Religionsphilosophie

11:00-11:30 Break

Conclusion and Chair: Gabriella Baptist

11:30-12:30 Herta Nagl-Docekal (Universität Wien)
Hegels Relevanz für den heutigen Diskurs zu ‘Gemeinschaft/Community’

12:30-13:30 Angelica Nuzzo (City University of New York)
Thinking with Hegel’s Dialectic: Critique, Refutation, Appropriation


27th September 2018, 14:30-19:00

16:30-17:00 Break

PANEL 1: Between Nature and Spirit: Which Anthropology?
Room: Aula II, Villa Mirafiori
Chair: Sabina Tortorella

14. 30 Carmen Belmonte (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Considerazioni sull’Antropologia hegeliana: una possibile origine dell’emancipazione femminile

15. 00 Laura Paulizzi (École Normale supérieure, Paris/Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”)
La coscienza materna e l’anima del sentimento nell’Antropologia di Hegel

15. 30 Federica Pitillo (Sapienza Università di Roma/Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)
Un’antropologia plastica? Dialettica e neuroscienze nella riflessione di Catherine Malabou

16. 00 Miriam Rodríguez Morán (Universidad de Oviedo)
El influjo hegeliano en la construcción de la idea de naturaleza

PANEL 2.1: The Night of the Reason: Unconscious, Madness and Dream in Hegel’s Philosophy
Room: Aula IV, Villa Mirafiori
Chair: Manuela Fraire

14:30 Giovanni Andreozzi (Università di Napoli)
Anima, follia, intersoggettività alcune riflessioni sull’Antropologia hegeliana

15:00 Mariannina Failla (Università di Roma Tre)
La follia come sogno nella veglia

15:30 Alice Giuliani (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia)
Dialettica della follia: Foucault, Hegel e l’apertura dello speculativo

16:00 Caterina Maurer (Università di Trento)
Sognare a occhi aperti: stati di coscienza alterati e malattie psichiche nell’antropologia hegeliana

PANEL 2.2: The Night of the Reason: Unconscious, Madness and Dream in Hegel’s Philosophy
Room: Aula IV, Villa Mirafiori
Chair: Paolo D’Angelo

17:00 Frédérique Malaval (Université Paul-Valery, Montpellier)
Hegel, una rosa tra i denti

17:30 Giuseppa Bella (Roma)
Da Omero a Hegel: la concezione del sogno nella Grecia arcaica come prelettura strutturale della logica hegeliana e del suo andamento dialettico senza tempo

18:00 Giulia Battistoni (Università di Verona, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)
Die Behandlung der psychischen Störung: Hegel und Pinel gegen die De-Humanisierung der Geisteskranken

18:30 Misa Sanada (Universität Heidelberg/Hitotsubashi University)
Die Tochter der Nacht „Nemesis“ im Maß. Das Maßlose und die absolute Indifferenz in Hegels Wissenschaft der Logik

PANEL 3.1: Women with and against Hegel
Room: Aula V, Villa Mirafiori
Chair: Carla Subrizi

14:30 Nantu Arroyo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Feminismo más allá de la institución

15:00 Nunzia Cosmo (Università di Napoli Federico II)
Il corpo eliminato: Teoria politica e femminismo da Carla Lonzi ad Adriana Cavarero. Per una riabilitazione di Hegel

15:30 Mariafilomena Anzalone (Università della Basilicata)
“Das Lob der Frauen”. Hegel e l’ideale estetico schilleriano

16:00 Elena d’Amore (Università di Pisa)
Le radici del sé in psicoanalisi, alla luce di Hegel

PANEL 3.2: Women with and against Hegel
Room: Aula V, Villa Mirafiori
Chair: Vinzia Fiorino

17:00 Viola Carofalo (Università “L’Orientale” di Napoli)
Il femminile come condizione di confine: Hegel e Irigaray

17:30 Andreas Giesbert (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
‘Men and women are wonderfully alike after all’. The Practical Adaption of Hegel by Anna C. Brackett (1836-1911)

18:00 Fernanda Gallo (University of Bath)
Marianna Bacinetti Florenzi Waddington and Hegel’s reception in Italy. A transnational perspective

18:30 Sevgi Doğan (Suola Normale Superiore, Pisa)
Hegel against and with Women or Other?

PANEL 3.3: Women with and against Hegel
Room: Aula XII, Villa Mirafiori
Chair: Elettra Stimilli

14:30 Federica Giardini (Università di Roma Tre)
Dominio e sfruttamento. Vicende della relazione costitutiva

15:00 Mara Montanaro (Université Paris 8/LEGS-CNRS)
Une cartographie des lectures féministes d’Hegel

15:30 Stany Mazurkiewicz (Université de Liège/Technische Universität Dresden)
Universalisme hégélien et parole féminine

16:00 Alessandra Spano (Università di Catania)
La dialettica hegeliana nell’umanesimo marxista di Raya Dunayevskaya

PANEL 4.1: Female Characters in Hegel’s Philosophy
Room Aula XIII, Villa Mirafiori
Chair: Claudia Mancina

14:30 Luis Antonio Velasco Guzmán (UNAM, FES Acatlán- Mexico)
Hegel y la Esfinge. Estudio sobre el país del enigma

15:00 Stella Synegianni (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)
Frauenfiguren in der Hegelschen Philosophie: Antigone zwischen Sophokles und Hegel

15:30 Yuka Okazaki (Universität Wuppertal)
Hegels Deutung der Antigone in seiner Phänomenologie des Geistes

16:00 Mary C. Rawlinson (Stony Brook University)
Let the Other Sister Speak: Feminism’s Misreading of Hegel’s Antigone

PANEL 4.2: Female Characters in Hegel’s Philosophy
Room: Aula XIII, Villa Mirafiori
Chair: Francesca Brezzi

17:00 Eleonora Caramelli (Università di Bologna)
L’esperienza dell’Antigone di Hegel e l’ironia socratica. Dal carattere ingenito della legge a quello genitivo del logos: tra genesi e genitorialità

17:30 Valerio Rocco Lozano (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Masculinidad y feminidad romanas en el capítulo VI de la Fenomenología del Espíritu

18:00 Rachel Falkenstern (St. Francis College – New York City)
The Feminist Potential of Hegel’s Tragic Heroines

18:30 Pierluigi Valenza (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Die mütterliche Seite der Dreieinigkeit an einer Stelle der Phänomenologie des Geistes

PANEL 5.1: The Twentieth Century and Hegel: Subversion or Conciliation?
Room: Aula VIII, Villa Mirafiori
Chair: Marcella D’Abbiero

14:30 Claudia Cimmarusti (Académie de Versailles/Institut Catholique de Toulouse)
Soggetti di Desiderio e Legge. Ipotesi sull’Hegel di Kojève

15:00 Giorgia Vasari (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Il «femminile»: breccia nell’Assoluto. L’anti-idealismo levinasiano

15:30 Elena Nardelli (Università di Trieste)
Con Portia nel passaggio alla filosofia. Derrida traduttore di Hegel

16:00 Mauro Bozzetti (Università di Urbino)
Il cerchio e l’ellisse, Adorno critico di Hegel

PANEL 5.2: The Twentieth Century and Hegel: Subversion or Conciliation?
Room: Aula VIII, Villa Mirafiori
Chair: Roberto Finelli

17:00 Carolyn Iselt (WWU Münster)
Subversion ohne Subjekt? Zur Kritik der Auflösung von Natur und Ich-Identität in Performativität

17:30 Rita Serpytyte (Vilnius University)
Rethinking of Ontology: Form and Negativity in Hegel and Malabou

18:00 Francesco Lesce (Università della Calabria)
Filosofia e fine dell’arte. Danto interprete di Hegel

18:30 Luisa Sampugnaro (Università della Calabria)
L’opera dell’uomo e la fine della storia. Kojève interprete di Hegel

PANEL 5.3: The Twentieth Century and Hegel: Subversion or Conciliation?
Room: Aula XII, Villa Mirafiori
Chair: Paolo Vinci

17:00 Marloren Lopes Miranda (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul)
A different voice, a new figure?

17.30 Francisco José López Serrano (Universidad de Murcia)
WO-MAN DIFFÉRANCE. Figuras indecidibles: diferencia sexual y cuestión de género. (Hegel leído por Heidegger, leído por Derrida, leído por Cixous, leído por Malabou, leído…)

18:00 Daniela Angelucci (Università di Roma Tre)
La buona volontà non basta. Deleuze contro Hegel

18:30 Pablo B. Sánchez Gómez (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia)
The logic of remains in Derrida

PANEL 6.1: Political and Intercultural Pathways: with and beyond Hegel
Room: Aula X, Villa Mirafiori
Chair: Marco Ivaldo

14:30 Annet Goudriaan (University of Utrecht)
The dialogical aspect of experience in the Phänomenologie des Geistes

15:00 Dieter Hüning (Universität Trier)
“Der Stand der Frau – ist Hausfrau“ – Hegels Affirmation der bürgerlichen Geschlechter-verhältnisse

15:30 Nevena Jevtić (University of Novi Sad)
What is a true relationship between freedom and love?

16:00 Wenjun Niu (East China Normal University, Shanghai)
Der Begriff „Anerkennung“ in Bezug auf Hegels Deutung der Antigone

PANEL 6.2: Political and Intercultural Pathways: with and beyond Hegel
Room: Aula X, Villa Mirafiori
Chair: Geminello Preterossi

17:00 Lorella Ventura (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Hegel in Egitto: “Oriente”, Islam e visione della storia

17:30 Riccardo Malaspina (Università di Roma Tre)
The reins of the inconceivable, symbolic art and Rumi

18:00 Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod (Université Paris Nanterre, Sophiapol)
Une lecture sexuée de la dialectique du maître et de l’esclave

18:30 Valeria Finocchiaro (Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”)
The concept of Trust in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right



















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