
Seminar: “Machines and Organisms: An historical and conceptual thought” (Torino, 29 Novembre)

Siamo felici di segnalare l’intervento del Professor Luca Illetterati (Università degli Studi di Padova) all’interno del seminario LabOnt Seminar/SOFEE Seminar dal titolo “Machines and Organisms: An historical and conceptual thought”.

Il seminario si terrà il 29 Novembre dalle ore 14 alle ore 16, presso l’Aula 8, Palazzo Nuovo, dell’Università degli Studi di Torino.

Questo l’abstract dell’intervento:

Martin Heidegger wrote that the notion of organism is a typical modern notion and that it is so, because it is a mechanical-technical notion. The assertion might sound strange to our (modern) ears, because from the beginning of the 19th century what is organic is thought as the opposite of what is simply a machine. In my talk I want to show in what sense the heideggerian assertion is true from an historical point of view as well as from a conceptual perspective.

Per maggiori informazioni, si rimanda al sito ufficiale del seminario.

Alleghiamo inoltre la locandina dell’evento.

Seminar: "Machines and Organisms: An historical and conceptual thought" (Torino, 29 Novembre)

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