

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Conference: “Kant, Rights, and the State” (Merton College, University of Oxford, September 24-25, 2016)

We are glad to announce that a conference on Kant, Rights, and the State will be held at Merton College (University of Oxford) on September 24-25, 2016.
Kant’s Doctrine of Right has been paid relatively little attention in philosophical literature. However, interest in Kant’s political thought has been growing in recent years, and numerous Kantian answers to problems in contemporary political philosophy have been offered. Nevertheless, literature is still in a nascent stage of development.
This conference will contribute to the renewed interest in Kant’s political philosophy by turning scholarly attention to the Doctrine of Right. The papers presented will focus in particular on the themes of ‘rights’ and ‘the state.’ Both themes lie at the heart of Kant’s political thought and have special relevance to contemporary debates in political philosophy. The presentations and discussions will consider a variety of Kantian solutions to those contemporary debates. 
The conference will follow a read-ahead format. There will be short presentations followed by lengthy discussions. To register, please contact Luke Davies (luke.davies@merton.ox.ac.uk).
       Ralf Bader (Oxford): ‘Kant and the Problem of Assurance’
       Louis-Phillippe Hodgson (York, Toronto): TBA
       Alice Pinheiro Walla (Bayreuth): ‘Kant on Territorial Rights’
       Andrea Sangiovanni (King’s, London): ‘Dignity, Second-Personal Authority and the Idea of Moral Equality’
       Thomas Sinclair (Oxford): ‘The Power of Public Positions: Official Roles in Kantian Legitimacy’
       Jacob Weinrib (Queen’s, Kingston): ‘The Right and Duty of Sovereignty: Kant’s Theory of Public Right’
       Ariel Zylberman (UCLA): ‘The Organic Unity of the State: Kant on Life, Rights and the State’
       Luke J. Davies (Oxford)
       Philipp-Alexander Hirsch (Göttingen)
       Jakob Huber (LSE)
       Stefano Lo Re (St Andrews)
       James Messina (UCSD)
       Irina Schumski (Warwick)
       Sandy Steel (Oxford)

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/conference-kant-rights-and-the-state-merton-college-university-of-oxford-september-24-25-2016/