

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group


We are pleased to announce the first workshop on “Kant’s Method of Philosophy and its Reception”, which will be held at the Goethe University of Frankfurt, on October 9-10, 2015.


The workshop is part of a 2 years project on Kant, transcendental strategies, and philosophical antinomies that Gabriele Gava is running at Goethe University Frankfurt. The present initiative will consist of two workshops, taking place respectively in Autumn 2015 and Spring 2016, which will investigate historical and systematic issues related to Kant’s considerations on the method of philosophy.

The first workshop will approach the analysis of Kant’s method in philosophy from the vantage point of its various receptions, both critical and favorable, in the history of philosophy. Philosophers belonging to different traditions (like German idealism, neo-kantianism, phenomenology, pragmatism, analytic philosophy, etc.) have found his method as deserving close attention. From this very diverse appropriation, we get contrasting representations of Kant’s method that are sometimes difficult to put together in a coherent picture. On the one hand, the workshop will thus highlight what these various traditions have found important or worthy of strong criticism in Kant’s approach to philosophical argument and detect the distortions of Kant’s position of which they are sometimes responsible. On the other hand, it will offer a fresh look at Kant’s philosophical method in order to draw attention to aspects of his thought on the matter that have been misrepresented or neglected.

FRIDAY, 9 October


9.50-10.00 Gabriele Gava (Frankfurt)
Greetings and General Introduction to the Workshop

Chair: Gabriele Gava
10.00-11.15 Alfredo Ferrarin (Pisa)
The Meaning of Reason in Kant and Hegel

11.15-11.45 COFFEE BREAK

Chair: Marcus Willaschek
11.45-13.00 Stefano Bacin (Milan)
Kant’s View on the Method of Moral Philosophy and Its Limited Reception: Two Misunderstandings

13.00-15.00 LUNCH BREAK

Chair: Owen Ware
15.00-16.15 Karin de Boer (Leuven)
Analogical Reasoning: Kant’s Method in the Critique of Pure Reason Revisited

16.15-16.45 COFFEE BREAK

Chair: Achim Vesper
16.45-18.00 Gabriele Gava (Frankfurt)
Peirce’s Critique of Kant’s Transcendental Method

20.00 Workshop Dinner open to all the participants

SATURDAY, 10 October

Chair: Stefano Bertea
10.00-11.15 John Callanan (London)
Kant on Philosophy and Common Cognition

11.15-11.45 COFFEE BREAK

Chair: Florian Marwede
11.45-13.00 Guido Kreis (Bonn)
The Idea of a Transcendental Method: Marburg Neo-Kantianism between Transcendental Philosophy and Descriptive Metaphysics

13.00-15.00 LUNCH BREAK

Chair: Gabriele Gava
15.00-16.15 Thomas Höwing (Frankfurt)
Kant and the Analysis of Knowledge

For any question concerning the project please write to gabriele.gava@gmail.com.

For further information please check this link.


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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/workshop-kants-method-in-philosophy-and-its-reception-frankfurt-october-9-10/