

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Call for Paper: Special Issue of “Verifiche” on Hegel’s Philosophy of Art

We are pleased to announce the opening of the call for papers for a special issue of Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane, dedicated to Hegel’s Philosophy of Art.

The issue will be edited by Luca Illetterati and Francesco Campana and it will include articles by both invited contributors and young researchers. The special issue is scheduled to appear in Autumn 2015.

Topics of the issue:

– Contemporary Discussion and Rereading Hegel’s Philosophy of Art

The discussion on the contemporary relevance of Hegel’s Aesthetics has become crucial in the critical debates (among others, consider D. Henrich or A. Gethmann-Siefert). Moreover many authors – from H. Belting to O. Marquard, from A. C. Danto to R. B. Pippin – have made reference to Hegel in interpreting a wide range of events and phenomena of the contemporary art. Starting with these debates, the aim of this topic is to discuss both potentialities and limits in rereading  Hegel’s Philosophy of Art in our era.

– Individual Arts in Hegel’s Philosophy of Art

Art, considered in general as a concrete form of sensuous intuition, finds in the individual arts – architecture, sculpture, painting, music and poetry – its specific realization. The topic aims at fostering the discussion on these individual arts in Hegel’s Aesthetics, either from a local point of view (one individual art, a specific genre or a particular aspect within an individual art) or from a systematic one (the system of the individual arts, as well as the relationship between the individual arts and the forms of art or the realms of the spirit).

The editors invite young researchers to submit a proposal for contribution. Manuscripts must be no longer than 7500 words of text (including footnotes). Please indicate the word count on the cover page of the manuscript.

You can include pictures (preferably black and white). The pictures must be copyright/royalty free or you must own the copyrights and be able to prove it.

The editors will accept manuscript in English, German, French or Italian.

Full papers should be received by April 30th 2015.

A committee will review all papers. Four papers will be selected. Notification of acceptance will be made via email.

Please include the following information in your submission:

(1) Paper’s title

(2) Author’s name

(3) CV

(4) Author’s email address

Email a copy of your paper, as an attachment, in Microsoft Word (.doc), Rich Text Format (.rtf), or Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf) to hegel.pd@gmail.com

For further information, please contact Francesco Campana (francescocampan@libero.it) or Luca Illetterati (luca.illetterati@unipd.it).

You can find the preliminary announcement at this link.

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/call-for-paper-special-issue-of-verifiche-on-hegels-philosophy-of-art/