

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Abstract: Paolo Giuspoli, “Fondamenti concettuali ed epistemologici del determinismo neurale. Sul volume ‘Mythos Determinismus’ di B. Falkenburg” («Verifiche», XLII/4)

We are pleased to host in our website the abstract of the article “Fondamenti concettuali ed epistemologici del determinismo neurale. Sul volume Mythos Determinismus di B. Falkenburg”, by Paolo Giuspoli. The article appeared in «Verifiche», XLII/4 (2013), pp. 143-156 (on the new issue of the review, read the previous post here).


In her Mythos Determinismus – Wieviel erklärt uns die Hirnforschung?, Falkenburg claims that in current debate in Neurosciences, traditional deterministic models are still widely employed even though they have been abandoned in physics. Such models are useless both for explaining the rise of states of consciousness and for expounding the neural activity as such. In the following review article the main topics supporting this theory will be analysed, valuating the fundamental limits of neuroscientific explanation in the field of the conceptual and epistemological justification of research. Moreover, it will be highlighted: a) the connection between neural structures and cognitive functions; b) the limits of current methods of measuring brain activity; c) the use of the notion of «mechanism» in neurobiology and the irreversible nature of the brain processes; d) downward causation and the «mental causation» problem.

The PDF version of this abstract can be found here.


From the new issue of «Verifiche» read also the abstract of M. Bonato, “La filosofia del diritto e dello Stato in K.W.F. Solger”.

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/abstract-paolo-giuspoli-fondamenti-concettuali-ed-epistemologici-del-determinismo-neurale-sul-volume-mythos-determinismus-di-b-falkenburg-verifiche-xlii4/