

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

HPD-HOLIDAYS: Marco Ferrari, “Naissance de la cybernétique. Ripensare l’analisi foucaultiana del neoliberalismo da un punto di vista epistemologico. (Tre affondi per un lavoro a venire)” («Universa. Recensioni di filosofia», vol. 10, no 3/2021)

hegelpd takes a summer holiday. In this period we will be sharing recent essays and reviews by our research group. 


We are pleased to share the essay Naissance de la cybernétique. Ripensare l’analisi foucaultiana del neoliberalismo da un punto di vista epistemologico. (Tre affondi per un lavoro a venire) by Marco Ferrari, published in the special issue of «Universa. Recensioni di filosofia» (10,3).


Here you can find the abstract of the text:

The aim of this work is to articulate an epistemological critique of Foucaultian analysis of neoliberalism. It proceeds along three main lines: i) firstly, I put the “history of governmentality” articulated by the French philosopher to the test of what I call “epistemological history of the concept of government” [EHCG]; ii) then, I try to show what can be gained by an analysis of neoliberalism examined through the lenses of the EHCG compared to the Foucaultian reconstruction; iii) finally, I try to outline the way in which the EHCG proposes to solve some issue inherent to Foucault’s reflection.


You can download the pdf of the essay from the button below.


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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/hpd-holidays-marco-ferrari-naissance-de-la-cybernetique-ripensare-lanalisi-foucaultiana-del-neoliberalismo-da-un-punto-di-vista-epistemologico-tre-affondi-per-un-lavoro-a-venire-un/