

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

hpd – Padova Hegel Lectures 2020: Miguel Giusti: “¿Filosofía del derecho sin Ciencia de la lógica? Un debate en curso” (Lecture on Zoom, March 30th, 2021)

In order to celebrate the 250th anniversary of Hegel’s birth, hegelpd has launched the Padova Hegel Lectures: a series of lectures given by international Hegel scholars, aimed at exploring Hegelian philosophy as a whole, investigating its main insights as well as its relevance for contemporary concerns.

We are very glad to announce that the next lecture will be given by Miguel Giusti (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú). The title of the lecture is ¿Filosofía del derecho sin Ciencia de la lógica? Un debate en curso.

The lecture will take place on Zoom on March 30th, 2021, at 16:30 (GMT+2).


The question posed in the title of this lecture alludes to the attempts of some contemporary authors, among them that of Axel Honneth, to update the central approaches of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, but precisely and deliberately disregarding their supposed dependence on his Science of Logic. Answering that question is not easy for various reasons, methodological and hermeneutical. It is well known that Hegel emphatically maintains the dependence between both works and philosophical projects, but there is no consensus among the specialists about what real weight and of what type the Logic on the Philosophy of Right has. On the other hand, it is evident that any social philosophy requires a logical conception in the broad sense, be it Hegelian or otherwise, even more so if the intention is to update the Hegelian construction implicit in the concept of freedom. In any case, the discussion seems to show a paradoxical fact that consists in simultaneously affirming the actuality and obsolescence of the Hegelian conception of practical reason.


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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/hegelpd-event/hpd-padova-hegel-lectures-2020-miguel-giusti-filosofia-del-derecho-sin-ciencia-de-la-logica-un-debate-en-curso-lecture-on-zoom-march-30th-2021/