

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

INTERNATIONAL ONLINE CONFERENCE: “Der Naturbegriff im Deutschen Idealismus” (8-10 April, 2020)

We are glad to give notice that the International Online Conference Der Naturbegriff im Deutschen Idealismus, organized by Dr. Luis Fellipe Garcia, will take place on 8-10 April, 2020.

Keynot spekaer will be:

Joe Zammito (Rice University), Three Visions of Nature for German Idealism: Kant, Herder, Goethe

Dalia Nassar (University of Sydney), Alexander von Humboldt’s Embodied Aesthetics

Karen Ng (Vanderbilt University), The Idea of the Earth in German Naturphilosophie: Günderrode, Hegel, and Schelling.


Here the programm of the event:

8 April: Visions of Nature

10:15 – 11:00: Thierry Schütz (Universität Zürich): Kant on the Intelligibility of Nature: from Systematic to Puroposive Unity

11:05 – 11:50: Georg Schäfen (Universität Basel): Natur als Utopie. Zu Fichtes Naturphilosophie

11:55 – 12: 40: Ben Woodard (Universität Lünebeug): Schelling’s Diagrammatic Nature

Lunch Break

14:15 – 15:00: Oriane Pettemi (Université de Liège): Goethe Now: From Morphology to Artificial Life

15:05 – 15:50: Anton Kabeshkin (Universität Potsdam): Hegel and the Rationality of Nature

15:55 – 16:40: Beatrice Beccari (Università di Ferrara): A Familiar Resemblance. An Insight into Goethe’s Contribution to Schopenhauer’s Metaphysics of Nature

20 Min Break

17:00 – 18:30: Joe Zammito (Rice University): Three Visions of Nature for German Idealism: Kant, Herder, Goethe (Keynote)

15 Min Break

18:45 – 19:30: Márcio Suzuki (Universitade de São Paulo): Kant’s Place in the History of Modern Vitalism

19:35 – 20:20: Benjamin Berger (Haverford College): Infusoria, Indifference and Structure of Life: Great Chains fo Being in Schelling’s 1804 “System”


9 April 2021: Metaphysics and Science

9:30 – 11:00: Dalia Nassar (University of Sydeney): Alexander von Humboldt’s Embodied Aesthetics (Keynote)

15 Min Break

11:15 – 12:50: Ives Radrizzani (LMU München): Scgellings “heiliger Sabbath der Natur” gegen Fichtes “glücklich abgetane Natur”. Die tieferen Gründe einer erbitterten Polemik.

Lunch Break

14:15 – 15:00: Steffen Bonhoff (Universität Freiburg): Hegels Problem des Zufalls in der Natur

15:05 – 15:50: Levin Zendeh (Universität Bonn): The Emergence of Sentience: The Systematic Relevance of Hegel’s Discussion of Animal Shape in the “Encyclopedia” (1830) for Contemporary Philosophy od Biology

15:55 – 16:40: Luis Fellipe Garcia (LMU München): Schelling and the Need for a Metaphysics of Nature

20 Min Break

17:00 – 18:30: Karen Ng (Vanderbilt University): The Idea of the Earth in German Naturphilosophie – Günderrode, Hegel and Schelling (Keynote)

20 Min Break

18:45 – 19:30: Emmanuel Chaput (University of Ottawa): The Relation between Natur and Consciousness in Hegel’s “Philosophy of Nature”: The Inorganic Natur as “Umwelt”

19:35 – 20:20: Steven Lydon (Tokyo University): Invaliding Dead Matter: Schelling’s Sound Figure Intepretation


10 April 2021: The Powers of Nature

9:30 – 10:15: Barbara Santini (Università di Padova): “die erste Bedingung alles Lebens und aller Organisation”. Bemerkungen über Hölderlins Begriff “Natur”

10:20 – 11:05: Circè Furtwängler (Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne): Natur and Teleology in Schelling’s “System des transzendentalen Idelismus”

15 Min Break

11:20 – 12:05: Luoisa Estadieu (Universität Freiburg): Zum Status des Natürlichen bei Kant und Hegel

12:10 – 12:55: Silvestre Gristina (Università di Padova): Ludwig’s Feuerbach rejuvenated: from Hegelian to Young Hegelian. The Evolution of Feuerbach’s Concept of Nature from Time to Space

Lunch Break

14:15 – 15:00: Stefania Achella: (Università Gabriele D’Annunzio di Chieti-Pescara): Automorphologie der Vernunft. François Xavier Bichat und die Macht des Negativen

15:05 – 15:50: Giulia Battistoni (Università di Verona): Nature in Spirit, Spirit in Nature: form Hegel to Hans Jonas

15 Min Break

16:05 – 16:50: Andea Dezi (South Ural University of Chelyabinsk): Water and Fire: A View on the “Potenzlose” in Schelling’s Wurzburger Philosophy of Nature

16:55 – 17:40: Naomi Fisher (Loyola University Chicago): Platonism in Schelling’s Powers of Nature

20 Min Break

18:00 – 18:45: Victor Béguin (Université de Poitiers): Questioning the “scala naturae”: Schelling and Hegel on “degrees” in nature

18:50 – 19:35: Thomas Spiegel (Universität Potsdam): Idealism’s Lesson for Contemporary Naturalism


For further information: https://t.co/uLxRWtKyck?amp=1

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/international-online-conference-der-naturbegriff-im-deutschen-idealismus-8-10-april-2020/