

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Conference: “Philosophy of Right: Kant, Fichte, Hegel” (16–18 July, Leipzig)

We are happy to announce that the conference “Philosophy of Right: Kant, Fichte, Hegel” will be held at the University of Leipzig on July 16th–18th 2018.

This conference is the eighth in a series of Chicago/Leipzig summer Graduiertentagungen. It explores the different conceptions of the Philosophy of Right proposed by Kant, Fichte and Hegel. Each of them, in different ways, grounds the idea of right in the autonomy of practical reason. The keynote speakers at the conference will be Martin Stone, Katrin Flikschuh, Rafeeq Hasan, Frederick Neuhouser, and Japa Pallikkathayil. The other conference presentations will be by graduate students from the Departments of Philosophy at the University of Chicago and the University of Leipzig.
The conference is organized by Sebastian Rödl (Leipzig), Dawa Ometto (Leipzig) and Matthias Haase (Chicago).
Below you can find the programme of the event.


Monday July 16th
10.00 Opening remarks

10.15-12.15: Rafeeq Hasan (Amherst) & Martin J. Stone (Cardozo)
What is Provisional Right?
Moderator: Andrea Kern (Leipzig)

12.15-14: Lunch

14-15:30: Michael Frey (Leipzig) – “Relational Subjectivity
Moderator: Warren Wilson (Chicago)

16-17:30: Jenna Zhang (Chicago)
Unethical Laws and Lawless Ethics: Right and Virtue in Kant’s Rechtslehre”
Moderator: Dawa Ometto (Leipzig)

Tuesday July 17th
10.00-12.00: Katrin Flikschuh (LSE) – “Kant on the Dignity of the State
Moderator: Sebastian Rödl (Leipzig)

12.00-14.00: Lunch

14.00-15:30: Michael Powell (Chicago)
Self-Ascription of Free Efficacy in Fichte’s Foundations of Natural Right
Moderator: Till Hoeppner (Potsdam)

16.00-17:30: Michael Kolodziej (Chicago)
Fichte’s Deduction of the Body as Ground of Right
Moderator: Bianca Ancillotti (HU Berlin)

Wednesday July 18th
9:30-11:30 Japa Pallikkathayil (Pittsburgh)
A Kantian Account of Free Speech
Moderator: Matthias Haase (Chicago)

11:30-13:30 Lunch 15:15-16:45

13:30-15:00 Andrew Beddow (Chicago)
Kant on Property and Territory
Moderator: Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer (Leipzig)

15:15-16:45 Robert Reimer (Leipzig)
Hegel on Intention
Moderator: Eric Marcus (Chicago)

17.00-19.00: Frederick Neuhouser (Barnard-Columbia)
The Dialectic of Freedom as Method in the ‘Philosophy of Right‘”
Moderator: James Conant (Leipzig/Chicago)

Download the conference flyer with the full program here.

For more information regarding the event, please check this link.


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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/conference-philosophy-of-right-kant-fichte-hegel-16-18-july-leipzig/