

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

CFA: Hegel’s Science of Logic (Porto alegre, 27-28 September 2017)

We are glad to announce the national conference on Hegel’s Science of Logic, which will take place in Porto Alegre, at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul on Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th of September 2017.

The post-graduate program in Philosophy of the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS and the Núcleo de Estudos Hegelianos – NEHGL – da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS will promote the national conference on Hegel’s Science of Logic, for presenting the publication of the first Portuguese translation of the first volume of Hegel’s Science of Logic – the Doctrine of Being – and for announcing the publication of the second volume – the Doctrine of Essence – which will be available starting from September 2017.

The aim of this conference is to promote a discussion on classical and contemporary topics related to Hegel’s logic. The debate will involve scholars, researchers, post-graduate and graduate students.

Call for Papers

A call for paper is open starting from 12th June until 14th July. Six abstracts will be selected, according to the following criteria: a) the relevance for the topic of the conference; b); quality of the proposal. Notification of acceptance will be sent by August 7th.

Guidelines for submission:

  1. Eligibility criteria: Submissions will only be accepted when submitted by researchers affiliated with some postgraduate program of Brazilian or foreign universities, or by students with master and doctoral degree, regardless of their affiliation.
  2. An extended abstracts should be submitted to encontroclhegel@gmail.com. The text (.doc format, Times New Roman and 1,5 line spacing) must include the title of the talk, the name of the author and her institutional affiliation, key words and a text, whose length must be between 2500 and 4500 characters (space included).

The evaluation of the submissions will be made by the organizing committee.

The authors of the accepted papers will present a 20 minutes talk (followed by a 10 minutes for the discussion) according to the program of the event.

Invited speakers and guests

Dr. Christian Iber (Alemanha/PUCRS)

Dr. Denis Lerrer Rosenfield (UFRGS)

Dr. Agemir Bavaresco (PUCRS)

Prof. Dr. José Pinheiro Pertille (UFRGS)

Prof. Dr. Inácio Helfer (UNISINOS)

Prof. Dr. Danilo Vaz Curado (UNICAP)

Prof. Dr. Eduardo Luft (PUCRS)

Dra. Michela Bordignon (Università degli Studi di Padova/UFES)

Dr. Fabio Mascarenhas Nolasco (UNICAMP)

Dr. Federico Orsini (Università degli Studi di Padova/PUCRS).


For information please write to encontroclhegel@gmail.com

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/cfa-hegels-science-of-logic-porto-alegre-27-28-september-2017/