

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Conference Talk: Luca Corti, “Hegel in America after Sellars” (video).

We are glad to share the video of the talk “Hegel in America after Sellars” delivered by Luca Corti at the Workshop “The Lingua franca of Thought. Wilfrid Sellars and the History of Philosophy”, which was held at Padua University on June 23rd-24th 2016.

In his paper, Luca Corti uncovers the often forgotten roots of Hegel’s tradition in the United States, both showing how Sellar’s reading of Hegel did not come “out of nowhere” and yet how crucial it was in determining Hegel’s importance in the American philosophical scene, which developed on sellarsian themes until today.

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/speech-luca-corti-hegel-in-america-after-sellars/