

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Informal Seminar for Graduate Students at McGill University, School of Religious Studies

We are happy to signal the ongoing graduate seminar on philosophy of religion held at the School of Religious Studies of McGill University.

Meetings will be held in McGill’s Senior Common Room once a Month, 05.00 p.m. – 06.00 p.m.

We post the seminar’s full program below. Please click here to download the program in pdf.

For any further inquiry, please contact paolo.livieri@mail.mcgill.ca, hadi.fakhoury@mail.mcgill.ca


October 5th Introduction

Prof. George di Giovanni (McGill, Department of Philosophy),

‘The ἰδέα of Philosophy of Religion’.

November 16th Prof. Jim Kanaris (McGill, School of Religious Studies),

‘Rethinking Philosophy of Religion’.

December 7th Dr. James Bryson (McGill, School of Religious Studies),

‘Philosophy and Religious Piety in Plato’s Symposium’.

January 11th Paolo Livieri (McGill, School of Religious Studies)

‘Revelation, or Immediacy and Mediation: the Opening of Hegel’s Logic’.


February 1st Joseph Carew (McGill, Department of Philosophy),

‘Is There Any Room Left for Religion in Hegel’s Account of Modern Life?’.

February 15th Jingjing Li (McGill, School of Religious Studies),

‘Philosophy of Religion or Religious Philosophy — Approaches to and Accounts of Yogacara Buddhism’.

March 1st Farid Uddinattar (McGill, Institute of Islamic Studies),

‘Avicenna on Prophetic Revelation and the Salvation of the Rational Soul’.

April 5th Hadi Fakhoury (McGill, School of Religious Studies),

‘The Idea of a ‘Philosophical Religion’ in the late Schelling’.


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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/informal-seminar-for-graduate-students-at-mcgill-university-school-of-religious-studies/