

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Conference: “Theories of Judgment” (Instituto de investigaciones filosóficas, UNAM, October 7th-8th 2014)

We are pleased to announce the Conference Theories of Judgment, that will take place on 7th-8th October 2014 at the Instituto de investigaciones filosóficas, UNAM in Mexico City.

The aim of this international conference is to discuss Kantian and post-Kantian theories about judgment (what judgment is, its place at the intersection of epistemology and ontology, and its relevance for theory of action and ethics) in dialogue with contemporary discussion.

The conference is open to the public. It is co-organized by Marcela García and Carlos Pereda and sponsored by the Instituto de investigaciones filosóficas, UNAM, and the Universidad Iberoamericana.

Conference Programme

Tuesday, October 7th
Sala José Gaos

9.30-9.50 Welcome & Opening Remarks
Pedro Stepanenko (IIF, UNAM)
Pablo Lazo (Universidad Iberoamericana)
Carlos Pereda (IIF, UNAM)
Marcela García (IIF, UNAM)

10-11.45 CHRISTIAN MARTIN (LMU München / University of Chicago)
“Moore’s Paradox and the Grammar of Belief”

Commentator: Mario Gensollen (Universidad Autónoma de

12-13.45 SEBASTIAN RÖDL (Universität Leipzig)
“Empirical Judgment as Contradiction”

Commentator: Pedro Stepanenko (IIF, UNAM)

15.15-17 JOSÉ MARÍA TORRALBA (Universidad de Navarra)
“Practical Judgment and Practical Perception in Kant”

Commentator: Fernando Rudy (Stanford University)

“Schelling’s Theory of Judgment and the Interpretation of
the Copula”

Commentator: Mathis Koschel (University of Chicago)

Wednesday, October 8th
Sala José Gaos

“Two Strategies of Judgment”

Commentator: Faviola Rivera (IIF, UNAM)

12-13.45 OMRI BOEHM (New School, New York)
“Descartes’s Cogito and Kant’s Sublime”

Commentator: Efraín Lazos (IIF, UNAM)

Entrance is free

For more information, please contact:
Marcela García mgarcia@filosoficas.unam.mx
Carlos Pereda jcarlos@filosoficas.unam.mx

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/conference-theories-of-judgment-instituto-de-investigaciones-filosoficas-unam-october-7th-8th-2014/