

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

New Release: Dalia Nassar, Kristin Gjesdal (Eds.), “Women Philosophers in the Long Nineteenth Century” (Oxford University Press, 2021)

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Women Philosophers in the Long Nineteenth Century, edited by Dalia Nassar and Kristin Gjesdal (Oxford University Press, 2021).


From the publisher’s website:

The long nineteenth-century—the period beginning with the French Revolution and ending with World War I—was a transformative period for women philosophers in German-speaking countries and contexts. The period spans romanticism and idealism, socialism, Nietzscheanism, and phenomenology, philosophical movements we most often associate with Hegel, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, and Marx—but rarely with women. Yet women philosophers not only contributed to these movements, but also spearheaded debates about their social and political implications. While today their works are less well-known than those of their male contemporaries, many of these women philosophers were widely-read and influential in their own time. Their contributions shed important new light on nineteenth-century philosophy and philosophy more generally: revealing the extent to which various movements which we consider distinct were joined, and demonstrating the degree to which philosophy can transform lives and be transformed by lived experiences and practices.

In the nineteenth century, women philosophers explored a wide range of philosophical topics and styles. Working within and in dialogue with popular philosophical movements, women philosophers helped shape philosophy’s agenda and provided unique approaches to existential, political, aesthetic, and epistemological questions. Though largely deprived formal education and academic positions, women thinkers developed a way of philosophizing that was accessible, intuitive, and activist in spirit. The present volume makes available to English-language readers—in many cases for the first time—the works of nine women philosophers, with the hope of stimulating further interest in and scholarship on their works. The volume includes a comprehensive introduction to women philosophers in the nineteenth century and introduces each philosopher and her position. The translations are furnished with explanatory footnotes. The volume is designed to be accessible to students as well as scholars.


Below you can find the Table of Contents:

Editors’ Introduction
Translation, Acknowledgements, Sources

Chapter One: Germaine de Staël
On Women Writers
On the Influence of the New Philosophy on the Sciences

Chapter Two: Karoline von Günderrode
Fichte’s TheVocation of Humankind
Philosophy of Nature
The Idea of Nature
The Idea of the Earth

Chapter Three: Bettina Brentano von Arnim

Chapter Four: Hedwig Dohm
Nietzsche and Women
The New Mother
The Old Woman
On the Sexual Morality of Women

Chapter Five: Clara Zetkin
For the Liberation of Women
Women’s Suffrage
Save the Scottsboro Boys!

Chapter Six: Lou Salomé
Selections from The Erotic

Chapter Seven: Rosa Luxemburg
Wage Labor, selections from Introduction to Political Economy

Chapter Eight: Edith Stein
Selections from On Empathy
Chapter Nine: Gerda Walther
A Contribution to the Ontology of Social Communities (selections)

Bibliography for Editors’ Introductions
Bibliography for Translated Text

New Release: Dalia Nassar, Kristin Gjesdal (Eds.), "Women Philosophers in the Long Nineteenth Century"

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/new-release-dalia-nassar-kristin-gjesdal-eds-women-philosophers-in-the-long-nineteenth-century-oxford-university-press-2021/