

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

EVENT: “Siegener Kant-Kurs“ (Imperia, 27-28 August, 2021)

We are glad to give notice that the Zentrum für Kommentarische Interpretationen zu Kant (ZetKIK) will hold the 15th “Siegener Kant-Kurs” in Imperia (Italy) on August 27-28, 2021. Topic of the course will be Kants ,Ich denke‘ (as an empirical proposition). The workshop is led by Hyengjoo Kim (Chung-Ang, Seoul), Cord Friebe (Siegen) and Dieter Schönecker (Siegen). 

Advanced students before and during the doctoral phase as well as younger postdocs are invited to submit an application. Very good knowledge of German (at least passive) is a prerequisite. Deadline for submission is July 19, 2021.

For further information, please contact schmidt@philosophie.uni-siegen.de.


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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/event-siegener-kant-kurs-imperia-27-28-august-2021/