

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Lectures: Mariagrazia Portera and Elisa Ronzheimer on Hölderlin (Padova, 26 and 27 november 2020)

We are pleased to give notice that Mariagrazia Portera (University of Florence) and Elisa Ronzheimer (University of Bielefeld) will give two talks on Hölderlin at the University of Padova on 26 and 27 november 2020.

The lectures will take place at 12.30 within Prof. Gabriele Tomasi’s class (Philosophy of Art) and will be broadcast on Zoom at the following link: https://unipd.zoom.us/j/92801733823

The title of Prof. Portera’s lecture will be “Sul procedere dello spirito poetico”: Hölderlin tra poesia e filosofia“; Dr. Ronzheimer’s lecture will be on Hölderlin Reads Poetry: Notes on the “Wechsel der Töne”.



Lectures: Mariagrazia Portera and Elisa Ronzheimer on Hölderlin (Padova, 26 and 27 november 2020)

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/hegelpd-event/lectures-mariagrazia-portera-and-elisa-ronzheimer-on-holderlin-padova-26-and-27-november-2020/