

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

CONGRESS: “Experience, Conceptuality, and Normativity Colloquium. 25th anniversary of John McDowell’s ‘Mind and World'” (Florianópolis, 25 November, 2019)

We are pleased to give notice of the congress Experience, Conceptuality, and Normativity. Colloquium 25th anniversary of John McDowell’s “Mind and World”, that will be held at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – UFSC / Florianópolis (Brazil) on November 25th, 2019.

Below you can find the program of the event (in brazilian).



Andre Abath (UFMG)
“Revisitando o problema da fineza da granulação”
Revisiting the fineness of grain problem


Michela Bordignon (UFABC)
“Hegel e McDowell: voltando ao Mito do Dado a partir da introdução do sistema hegeliano”
Hegel and McDowell: returning to the Myth of the Given from the introduction of the Hegelian system


Gabriel Bilhalva (UFSM)
“Que mundo é esse? O debate McDowell-Dreyfus do ponto de vista da ontologia”
Which world is this? The McDowell-Dreyfus debate from the ontological standpoint



Federico Ferraguto (PUCPR)
“McDowell e a filosofia pós-kantiana”
McDowell and the post-Kantian philosophy


Sofia Stein (UNISINOS)
“Gradações conceituais: nature, nurture e a segunda natureza humana”
Conceptual gradations: nature, nurture and the human second nature


Celso Braida (UFSC)
“Normatividade e ação”
Normativity and action


Sponsored by CAPESHosted by Núcleo de Investigações Metafísicas/PPGFil UFSC




CONGRESS: "Experience, Conceptuality, and Normativity Colloquium 25th anniversary of John McDowell’s Mind and World" (Florianópolis, 25 November, 2019)

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/congress-experience-conceptuality-and-normativity-colloquium-25th-anniversary-of-john-mcdowells-mind-and-world-florianopolis-25-november-2019/