

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

New Research Network: Hegel Art Net – International Research Network on Hegel’s Philosophy of Art

We are very glad to give notice of a new research network on Hegel’s thought: Hegel Art Net – International Research Network on Hegel’s Philosophy of Art.

Hegel Art Net is an international community of scholars working in the fields of history of ideas, aesthetics and contemporary philosophy. The group is studying the philosophy of art by the German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Hegel (1770-1831). The scholars are working on the transcription, edition and translation of Hegel’s lectures on “Aesthetics or Philosophy of Art”. The research concerns as well the reception of Hegel’s philosophy in the contemporary debates and in the current artistic creation all over the world.

The network website is available at this link. There, you can find materials and news continuously updated on Hegel’s Philosophy of Art as well as news about conferences, workshops, call for papers of the research group or related to the specific research topics.

The project is supported by the Department of Philosophy, Communication and Media Studies of the Roma Tre University, in collaboration with the University of Nantes and the Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

The project coordinators are Prof. Francesca Iannelli (Roma Tre University) and Prof. Alain Patrick Olivier (University of Nantes). More information on group members is available at this link.

The first public meeting of Hegel Art Net will be held in Paris at the Intitut National d’Histoire de l’Art on 26th September 2019. The aim of the first meeting Translating Hegel’s Aesthetics / Traduire l’Esthétique de Hegel / Tradurre l’Estetica di Hegel is to create an opportunity for exchange between the coordinators and the translators of the Italian and French teams before the start of the translation work and before the conference on Hegel in translation which will take place in April 2020 in France. You can find more information about the first meeting at this link.

New Research Network: Hegel Art Net - International Research Network on Hegel’s Philosophy of Art

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/new-research-network-hegel-art-net-international-research-network-on-hegels-philosophy-of-art/